Apartments are cool places to live. Just remember to follow these simple safety rules:
Walk the building with your parents and check out safe places and places that could be dangerous. Make sure your parents know where you like to play.
Stay Away from lonely places such as stairwells and storage rooms.
Stand by the control panel in the elevator. If someone gets on who you don't like, press lots of buttons and get off at the next floor. If you feel scared, knock and scream at the closest apartment door.
Adult Tips:
1. Don't invite a child to be alone with you without their parents' knowledge. Innocent invitations confuse a child's understanding of safety rules and may leave you open to false allegations. Always aim to have other kids or adults around.
2. Be sure to screen anyone who'll be alone with your child.
3. Be alert if an adult seems to be taking an undue interest in your child.
4. Encourage open dialogue with your child and stress the "no secrets" rule.
Try to stay close to the grown-up you are shopping with.
Agree on a meeting place where you will both wait if you get lost.
Ask for help from someone who works in a store if you feel scared.
Say NO if someone asks you to go anywhere with them, unless your parent has said it's ok and knows where you are.
Never leave the Mall without the Grown-up you came with, unless they have said it's ok.
Adult Tips:
1. Discuss what you will do if the child gets lost. Arrange a meeting place.
2. Don't allow the child to go to a public washroom alone. If necessary, ask another shopper to take the child into the washroom and tell them you'll wait by the door outside.