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Little Betty Winkle
Little Betty Winkle she had a pig,
It was a little pig and not very big;
When he was alive he lived in clover,
But now he's dead and that's all over.

Johnny Winkle, he sat down and cried,
Betty Winkle, she lay down and died;
So there's an end of one, two and three,
Johnny, Betty and little Piggie Wiggie.

In Come de Animals

In come de animuls two by two,
Hippopotamus and a kangaroo;
Dem bones gona rise agin.

In come de animuls three by three,
Two big cats and a bumble bee;
Dem bones gona rise again.

In come de animuls fo' by fo'
Two thru the winder and two thru the do';
Dem bones gona rise agin.

In come de animuls five by five,
Amost dead and hardly alive;
Dem bones gona rise agin.

In come de animuls six by six,
Three wid clubs and three wid sticks;
Dem bones gona rise agin.

In come de animuls seben by seben,
Fo'  from Hell and de others from Heaven;
Dem bones gona rise agin.

In come de anumal eight by eight,
Four on time and de others late;
Dem bones gona rise agin.

In come de animluls nine by nine,
Four in front and five behind;
Dem bones gona rise agin.

In come de animuls ten by ten,
Five big roosters and five big hens;
Dem bones gona rise agin.

Nursery Rhymes Index Mr. Rabbit Pussy Cat