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Old Lady in a Basket

There was an old woman tossed up in a basket
Seventy times as high as the moon;
Where she was going I conldn't ask it,
For in her hand she carried a broom.

"Old woman, old  woman, old woman," quoth I,
"Where are you going to up so hight?"
"To brush the cobwebs off the sky!"
"Shall I go with thee?" "Aye, by-and-by."

O, what's the weather in a Beard?
It's windy there, and rather weird,
And when you think the sky has cleared
Why --, there is Dirty Dinky.

As I was crossing a hot hot Plain,
I saw a sight that caused me pain,
You asked me before, I'll tell you again:
It Looked like Dirty Dinky.

Last night you lay a-sleeping? No!
The room was thirty-five below;
The sheets and blankets turned to snow.
He'd got in: Dirty Dinky.

You'd better watch the things you do.
You'd better watch the things you do.
You're part of him; he's part of you
You may be Dirty Dinky.

There was a man of Thessaly,
And he was wondrous wise.
He jumped into a bramble bush
And scratched out both his eyes.

And when he saw his eyes were out,
Wit all his might and main
He jumped into another bush
And scratched them in again.


As I walked by myself
And talked by myself,
Myself said to me,
Look to thyself,
Take care of thyself,
For nobody cares for thee.

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