This movie has not been released yet. But from what I can find out it is about the second coming of Christ. The setting is Mexico and Texas. The storyline follows Jacques LeBlanch as he is running, after witnessing a death that he is being blamed for, although it was an accident. While on the run, Jacques finds Mary, his last girlfriend. Unknowingly, Mary is helping Jacques to elude the men following him.

As they travel, strange things begin to happen. A wound that Jacques recieved, on the night that he began his flight, miraculously heals. An angel begins to appear to Jacques at night acting as a sort of guide. Then one evening she appears to tell them that Mary is pregnant with the next Messiah.

Everything comes to a dramatic climax on Christmas Eve, when the men chasing them finally catches up with the couple. Jacques must face a life altering realization. He has always been a man who cared for no one but himself. Now he finds himself trying to save, not himself but Mary adn the unborn child. And quite possibly the world.

Donnie plays the role of Chollo, one of the ranch hands hired to help track down Jacques. The only actor in this cast that I recognize is Willem DaFoe.


For more information about this film visit Bullfighter, the official site for this movie.