Tom Mullen is a wealthy excutive whose charmed life is suddenly shattered when his young son is abducted and held for ransom by a gang of ruthless criminals! That's when Mullen's defies the experts and takes matters into his own hands...boldly turning the tables on the kidnappers in a last chancce effort to rescue the boy.

Donnie plays Cubby Barnes the younger brother of one of the other kidnappers. He is the one with the kind heart who tries to make the situation less traumatic for young Sean Mullens. He honestly believes that when they recieve the ransom, they are going to let the boy go. Although he plays one of the kidnappers, you feel for his character as he realizes that that is not the plan.

Until this movie, many of Donnie's fans did not he was acting and were surprised to see him in this blockbuster film. Donnie was one of the many great actors in this movie. He had the opportunity to work with the likes of Mel Gibson, Rene Russom, and Gary Sinise.