Donnie Wahlberg as Vincent Grey


Dr. Malcolm Crowe is a distinguished child psychologist haunted by the painful memory of a disturbed young patient he was unable to help. So wehn he meets Cole Sear...a frightened, confused eight year old with a similar conditon...Dr. Crowe seeks to redeem himself by doing everything he can. Nonetheless, malcom is unprepared to learn the truth that haunts Cole -- terrifying, unwanted visits from the restless inhabitants of the spirit world! With riveting intensity you'll find thoroughly chilling and utterly unforgettable, the discovery of Cole's incredible 6th sense leads them both to mysterious and unforseeable consequences.

Donnie Wahlberg plays the character of Vincent Grey. This disturbed young man was the child that Malcolm feels he has failed as the movie progresses.

Many who have seen this movie feel that this is one of Donnie's best roles. Even some of the biggest Donnie Wahlberg fan's have said they didn't even recognize him. Too bad the Academy Awards don't have and award for best pivotal role. If they did, I know that many people feel Donnie would have won it.

Donnie was joined in this awe-inspiring movie by Bruce Willis in the role of Dr. Malcolm Crowe. Haley Joel Osment played the central role of Cole Sear and his mother was played by Toni Collette.


