1995 AOL Chat


Online Host: Ever since the amicable breakup of Donnie Wahlberg's multi-platinum group, New Kids on the Block in early 1994, the young Boston-bred musician/producer has made a series of smart, well-planned professional choices.

Online Host: This summer, Wahlberg makes his screen debut in the highly anticipated Bullet, which also stars Mickey Rourke and Tupac Shakur. Directed by Julien Temple (Absolute Beginners, The Great Rock 'n Roll Swindle), it's a major role for Wahlberg, who plays self-described "Hothead", a criminal who finds himself in some desperate situations.

Online Host: Although Wahlberg admits that he'd been encouraged in the past to pursue a film career, he'd been "very busy, basically working 350 days a year with New Kids, so there was never time." But after NKOTB's final Face the Music tour wrapped in May of 1994, Wahlberg decided to take a chance and explore those options.

Online Host: Wahlberg is starting a record label with Danny Wood, tentatively called Cash Flow Records. Wahlberg, under his own company of Donnie D. Productions, is currently producing brother Mark's upcoming album in his own home studio. In addition to his many other projects, Wahlberg is also working on his own solo album, which he hopes to release late this year on his own independent label. Welcome to Center Stage, Donnie!

CelebCircle: Donnie, welcome! Thanks for joining us at the Oldsmobile Celebrity Circle!

WahlbergD: I'm real glad to be here. It's a little bit strange but it's real cool!

CelebCircle: The first questions is from WIRDTER.

Question: How are you, Donnie, and where are you this evening?

WahlbergD: I am sitting in my office at home taking a break from a recording session with a new group that I'm producing.

CelebCircle: The next question is from Ricalyzer.

Question: Donnie, if you were stranded on an island, what 5 CD's would be vital to your survival?

WahlbergD: "The Carpenter's Greatest Hits", "It Takes a Nation of Millions To Hold Us Back", Public Enemy, Mobb Deep, and The Police, "Synchronicity", and "Stairway to Heaven", Led Zeppelin. Those five would probably cover my mood swings. But what good would they be without a CD player?

CelebCircle: The next question is from NKOTBlist.

Question: Hi! I just wanted to let Donnie know that we just started the first NKOTB page on the World Wide Web...plus we have the only NKOTB mailing list! If you could, would you mention our email addr? (info@nkotb.com)

WahlbergD: I'm real flattered that you started the NKOTB website. Since I'll be getting online soon, I'll try to check it out, even though I'm not a big fan of NKOTB!

CelebCircle: The next question is from ShileeRos.

Question: Do you still keep in touch with Joe?

WahlbergD: Yes. In fact, we just played golf together last week and we speak quite often. We probably speak more now than we did when we were in the group together!

CelebCircle: The next question is from SkinsFan8.

Question: Whatever happened to the Def Duo and the Northside Boys?

WahlbergD: The Northside Boys are still a rap group. They changed their name to Trauma Team and they're working on a record independently right now. The Def Duo are alos working independently on a record!

CelebCircle: The next question is from ImPaiSLeY.

Question: Do you subscribe to any online services and do you have an email address?

WahlbergD: No. I don't. But maybe since I'm doing this interview, I'll get put online for free by the generous people who provide this service.

CelebCircle: The next question is from DAOTHAFISH.

Question: Are you looking for Interns for your new label "Cash Flow Productions"? By the way, that's a phat name.

WahlbergD: We've changed the name. It's no longer Cash Flow, it's now 20 to Life Records, which has nothing to do with crime or prison or anything like that. What it means is my partner Danny Wood and I have known each other for twenty years. And our continued friendship along with this joint venture will probably signify that we'll be friends for life. Thus, the name, 20 to Life. Since it's still early in the ball game, we probably won't need any interns yet. But maybe soon, so send me some information on yourself.

CelebCircle: The next question is from Marsh9196.

Question: Donnie Wahlberg, I had heard you were producing some new acts. If so, who are they and when can we expect to hear from them?

WahlbergD: I'm producing a rap artist named Super Mr. Marvelous, a solo on the artist named Tyrone Sutton, who is the former lead singer of Perfect Gentlemen, a female R&B group who have not been named yet, and also I'm doing a new album for Marky Mark. All of the projects will probably be out in Feb-March 1996.

CelebCircle: The next question is from DAOTHAFISH.

Question: When is "Bullet" coming out?

WahlbergD: I'm not sure when it's coming out. It should be out within the month or two. I am in the process of recording a solo song for the soundtrack. I'm kind of excited about that.

CelebCircle: The next question is from Kris Mac2.

Question: Is it true you have a solo album coming out?

WahlbergD: Not anytime real soon. I'm always tempted to record a solo album and I'm starting to experiment in the studio now, but it's something I really want to take my time with and make sure it's something that really represents me.

CelebCircle: The next question is from BOLEA1.

Question: Do you still keep in contact with the rest of the group?

WahlbergD: As I mentioned earlier, I speak with Joe often. Danny and I speak all the time, as we are still friends and partners in business, Jordan and I don't speak quite as often, but he's going to be doing a photo session for my female group 2 weeks from now, and the whole group will be playing in a charity basketball game with Boyz II Men at Northeastern University in Boston.

CelebCircle: The next question is from CDrummey.

Question: Hi, Donnie, I'm from Edgewood, KY. and my question pertains to a song on the Face the Music album, Mrs. Right. I know you and Joe Mac collaborated on this song. Do you know who his Mrs. Right is? And if you do, will you tell us? Thanks, Carol.

WahlbergD: I know who his Mrs. Right is, but I ain't gonna tell you nothin'! You gotta find out for yourself. But I'll give you a hint, if you look in People Magazine, the issue with Richard Pryor on the cover, you'll see Joe with her.

CelebCircle: The next question is from Kris Mac2.

Question: Do you still live in Braintree, MA?

WahlbergD: Sometimes.

CelebCircle: The next question is from MaddrRose.

Question: How do you feel about the strong presence of women in rock these days, such as Courtney Love-Cobain, Kim Gordon...and others. *EG*

WahlbergD: I don't feel much about it. As far as I'm concerned I've always enjoyed a lot of women in music in the past, like Pat Benatar, Joan Armatrading, Chrissie Hines, Joan Baez, Sinead O'Connor, among others. So I'm not surprised by the strong female presence on the music scene, because I've always recognized it as such. But I like Courtney Love. She's alright, and I like K.D. Lang.

CelebCircle: The next question is from Kris Mac2.

Question: What was the real reason Jon was out of the Face the Music tour?

WahlbergD: Because he quit the group while we were in Italy. I wanted to tell people that's why he wasn't there. But my genius publicist at the time, Gary Stromberg, thought it would be best to make up a story, so he and Jordan came up with the ridiculous falling off of the horse story.

CelebCircle: The next question is from Ricalyzcr.

Question: Are you disappointed in our generation? Or do you think the media and such underestimate us?

WahlbergD: It's hard to tell, you know, whether or not to be disappointed. It's hard to tell, because the future is still in our grasp. However, a lot of kids seem to be throwing their lives away for silliness. If I was a young kid right now, I would be taking full advantage of all of the opportunities that were in front of me because so many other kids aren't. You can't blame the media for everything, because it's all about money, and most major corporation are all about money and they'll exploit anyone or anything to get it, including the youth.

CelebCircle: The next question is from DUMass575.

Question: Hi Donnie, my name is Levi, how did you like working with Mickey Rourke on the movie "Bullet"?

WahlbergD: My part in "Bullet" was sort of small. I came into the project after it had already started as a favor to Mickey. But I really enjoyed working with him and I've always liked his work alot. So it was a real honor to work with him.

CelebCircle: The next question is from Niki C2O.

Question: What do you like to do when you aren't working?

WahlbergD: I like to fish, I like to play golf, I like to play basketball, I like to drive cars and motorcycles, and that's it.

CelebCircle: The next question is from ImPaiSLeY.

Question: Do you think NKOTB will be getting back together somewhere down the road, maybe just for a small tour?

WahlbergD: It's possible. At this point everybody is real focused on their own projects. But anything's possible.

CelebCircle: The next question is from Marsh9196.

Question: What, in your opinion, has been your greatest contribution to music?

WahlbergD: That's a hard question to answer. I tend to look at it more as a contribution to people more so than music. I think we had an opportunity to give entertainment and pleasure to a lot of people. And I'm pretty confident that we did that and will continue to do that.

CelebCircle: The next question is from Ettagen105.

Question: Was it difficult for you when Mark's career was going so well, and yours was slowing down? No disrespect intended - I know you had a lot to do with his success...

WahlbergD: Exactly. I did have a lot to do with his career. In being that he was my brother, I was able to enjoy his success for both of those reasons. I never looked at it as a competition or as him being up and me being down. I was very happy about his success...and still am. And, if it was going to bother me for him to be famous, I would have done his record for myself.

CelebCircle: The next question is from Smotass24.

Question: Fight...Kato versus Joe McIntyre...who would you put your money on?

WahlbergD: Joe McIntyre! Kato Kaelin is a Hollywood chump! But I'd kick both of their a%^&*(! Just joking!

CelebCircle: The next question is from ImPaiSLeY.

Question: What do you think of you fans? Do you like being able to get in touch with them this way?

WahlbergD: This is a cool way to speak to fans. It is also a more civilized way to speak to fans because so many times situations face to face can get out of hand. And when it hapens, it makes the fans look inhuman and makes me feel like I am not human. A computer doesn't do much for that either, but it's much more civilized than being attacked in the street. It's a good way to show that your fans are people too, who have lives, hobbies, and interests other than a singing group.

CelebCircle: The next question is from MarcieRS.

Question: Donnie - what do you feel was the single greatest factor in your success as a group?

WahlbergD: There were a lot of high points and most of them are not related to record sales or money. We seem to be at our best when we faced our biggest challenges. Such as facing up to the Lip Synching controversy, and tackling that head on, recording the Face the Music album, which was our best album. My personal proudest moment was performing in Chile on the Amnesty International Tour. That was one of the greatest thrills of my life.

CelebCircle: The next question is from Ricalyzcr.

Question: Are there aspects of your personality/talent that producing has brought out in you that will surprise people or surprised yourself?

WahlbergD: Yes. I didn't know I was such a perfectionist until I started producing. I also didn't know how tough I could be on people who worked for me.

CelebCircle: The next question is from Niki C20.

Question: Do you have any regrets about your career, or anything else in your life, so far?

WahlbergD: I don't know what else to say. I'm sure I have lots of regrets from many different phases in my life. But that's what life is about, you learn from your mistakes and you move forward. I don't like to use cliches like that, but it's a very accurate one and I try not to dwell on specific mistakes.

CelebCircle: Donnie, we have time for only a few more questions...The next question is from SkinsFan8.

Question: So, Donnie, what exactly is a jizziknot? You know, from the Def Duo album?

WahlbergD: I can't say it. It's a package.

CelebCircle: The next question is from Debracada.

Question: Donnie, do you feel your last album with NKOTB was the type of sound the group wanted to do for years and were hampered by management, or was it just how your sound progressed over the years?

WahlbergD: Yeah, I think it was more of what we wanted to do all along. It wasn't that we were hampered by management, it's just that things took off so fast and there were so many obligations, that music and the quality of music sometimes had to take a backseat in order to meet the thousands of obligations and requests that we had. So, definitely this album was more of where we always wanted to be.

CelebCircle: The next question is from Cutie314.

Question: I have always wanted to become a professional singer, any chance that I could audition for you?

WahlbergD: Yeah, come to Boston and try out!

CelebCircle: The next question is from RSJFan.

Question: Which do you like better? Acting or singing?

WahlbergD: Producing. I really like performing, and I really like acting, but with all the stress and drama that comes with being in the spotlight, I guess I prefer to be behind the scenes so I can enjoy the same feelings of success, but don't have to deal with all of the bs that comes with the spotlight. And producing seems to be much more challenging and being creative seems to be the most rewarding of the three.

CelebCircle: The next question is from SLICK JT2.

Question: So are you producing Mark's new album? His European album was really good, the US needs him back.

WahlbergD: His US album will be much better than his European album. I'm sure he's glad you liked the European one. I think it stunk!

CelebCircle: Donnie, thanks for joining us at the Oldsmobile Celebrity Circle. Is there anything else you'd like to say to our audience before you go?

WahlbergD: I've really enjoyed this, believe it or not. I'm really flattered and grateful that you all were interested in what I'm doing now and what I have to say. Hope I can repay all of your support in the future! Thank you! God Bless!

Online Host: Our thanks to Donnie Wahlberg for joining us this evening. For those of you who may have arrived late, the transcript of tonight's event will be available for your downloading pleasure within 24 hours. Thank you and good night!

Online Host: Copyright 1995 America Online, Inc.