Below you will find Shannon's Donnie encounter.

Anyway, it isn't the greatest story-like gia's and amy's!! But, I did stand in his presence for like a few seconds!! Back in 1991, after a wonderful show at the Hearns Center in Columbia, MO-we went back to the hotel-the same one they were staying in-that was a first!!lol We looked all over the hotel, but no one!! The hotel was adjacent to a mall and we looked over and there were the buses!!! So we ran like maniacs!!-We is my best friends-Anne and Missy!!! First I opened the door to Jordan's bus and stepped on and stepped back off cuz a guy came from the back and scared the hell out of me!!! Then I look over and there is Donnie standing in the front of his bus-by this time the parking lot was filled!! I was lucky enough to be the first to run over to the window!!!! He looked down and smiled!!! But, then he opened the window and was about to talk to me and the girls and this 300 pound girl-I am not kidding and I am not trying to be offensive-but this girl rammed me up next to the bus and somehow had her arm around my neck trying to touch Donnie!!! I was like get the hell off of me!! Well, Donnie saw what was happening and he got mad and went back inside his bus--well we waited around-because earlier in the day-we were walking around the mall and we ran into Perfect Gentleman and their manager and had lunch with them!!! Anyway we were talking to the manager-or whoever he was-cuz he said he was gonna get us backstage and it almost happened-But you know how that story goes!!! Donnie all of a sudden came around the corner and looked straight at me and said "Are you okay?" I was trembling and I said YESSSSS!! He said Good and smiled and headed back into the hotel with some people and he also touched my hand!!!!! Woo HOO i told you not a great story-but that was my moment with him!!! Sorry to type so much!!! I did not wash that hand for days!!! What a dork!!!


