
I wanted to take this page to say thank you to everyone who was influencial and supportive in my choice and desire to make this site. It has been a long trip to get here and I want to thank my friends who put up with my constant complaining that something wasn't right.LOL I started this site in the early part of 1999 and finally felt it was to a point to share in fall of that year. This is where I say thanks for putting up with me to my friends.

Tracy: Your site, KnightOfMyLife, inspired me to create one for my favorite New Kid. I drew some great ideas from it and learned how to fix most of my problems by checking out the html on yours. Thank you for your guidance, support, help, and patience in helping me to create something that I am finally proud of.


Suzanne: Your constant praise and encouragement was a large part of why I didn't give up on this. You will never know how much your love and support has helped me in this endeavor. I thank you from the bottom of my heart. There were times when I just wanted to delete this whole site because one page was giving me a problem. But at those times, I was lucky enough to be talking to you online. And you talked me out of it by suggesting I move on to something else for a while. You taught me patience with things I didn't understand. And everyone knows I am not a patient person.LOL I thank god for the internet and NKOTB everyday for bringing such a wonderful person into my life.


To everyone who put up with my constant emails asking for submissions of things, I sincerely thank you all. I wanted a site that showed the love of the fans. And so many of you were willing to take the time to scan personal pictures and write down your encounters with Donnie and send them to me. Those are my favorite parts on this site because they show how many lives Donnie Wahlberg touched.


And last but certainly not least..... DONNIE WAHLBERG!!! Without this man, there would be no reason for this site. Even though NKOTB broke up, he never stopped sharing the talent he was blessed with. I admire this man for his talent. And for being the type of person who helped to bring so many wonderful people together thru that talent, whether thru music or his movies. Thank You Donnie! We all appreciate it.