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Budapest Pillangó
Park 14/C, IX/57 Hungary |
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06.20.453.0760 E-mail
spokoly@gwu.edu |
Stephen Pokoly
George Washington University, Washington DC
Degree obtained: Bachelors of Business Administration, concentration in
Information Systems
Graduation Date, May 2000
GPA within concentration: 3.3 out of 4
on International Educational Exchange
Budapest, Hungary: Budapest University of Economic Sciences and Public Administration
Spring Semester 1999
W O R K - H I S T O R Y
Customer Care Agent, http://www.windowscasino.com/
Nov.00 – Present
Guided a diverse base of customers through obstacles
via customized backend software (http://www.realtimegaming.com).
Used various means of communication (e-mail, telephone and instant messengers)
within a high paced, team oriented Internet start up environment.
Business English Instructor, Berlitz
Language School
Oct. 00 – Present
Provided business English language instruction using
the goal oriented Berlitz method.
PC Specialist, Conservation International
Nov.99 – June 00
Executed an assortment of duties ranging from
workstation procurement, tweaking CI’s intranet and public web site, helpdesk
obligations, and a mixture of onsite assistance practices within CI’s
international headquarters.
Corporate Marketing Intern, Hill and
Knowlton Worldwide
May 99 – Aug. 99
Completed an array
of assignments from administrative undertakings, inter-office network
administration to client database management, while participating within Howard
Paster’s (Global Chairman and CEO) subordinate team.
Client Accounts Intern, Davis and
May 97 – Aug. 98
Performed assorted
office and executive duties at this mid-ranged sized advertising agency. Worked
closely with various account executives in completing tasks, including
presentation preparation, client's demo/studio arrangements, and handling of
sensitive documents.
C O M P U T E R - S K I L L S
Operating Systems: Windows 3.x, 95, 98, Millennium Edition,
2000, NT 4.0
Applications: MS-Office 95/97/00, Visual Analyst, MS Front
Page, MS Office Suite 97/00, Outlook 98, familiarities with: Macromedia
Dreamweaver, MS Visual Basic 5.0, Adobe Photoshop 5.5,
Additional Skills: Program design in HTML and Web based
applications, basic underpinnings of Visual Basic 5.0, systems analysis and
design, and electronic commerce.
Colloquial Hungarian language knowledge
American and Hungarian citizenships