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magical.gif (27782 bytes)

fire.gif (21268 bytes)I Have anticipated this , fire.gif (21268 bytes)

fire.gif (21268 bytes) For more than six (21268 bytes)

From the day we first spoke,

I felt a special feeling in the air.

Feelings of a mystical person...

Entering my life, as if in a dream. .

Could this dream ...

Ever become my reality? 

And then it happened.

We arranged to meet face to face. .

Breathless anticipation.. 

Was all I could feel on that special day.

Heartbeats coming more rapidly. .

Minutes seeming like hours. .

Waiting nervously for you to appear. .

And then................

You were there....:) 

How can I describe it? 

Your beautiful smile...

Your warm and welcome look of joy.

We ran into each others arms .

Not wanting to let go..

Dancing around in a circle..

Feelings of relief going through me.

Sharing a warm and tender kiss.  

We broke free from each other..

Looking deeply into each others eyes.

Not a word needed to be spoken.

In that moment...

Our bond of friendship and love...

Was sealed.

We slowly walked away hand in hand,

To a romantic secluded spot.

Sitting on the ground ..

Facing each other..

Your eyes piercing through mine..

The most beautiful eyes, .

I have ever looked into.

We shared our thoughts and feelings..

Our lives, joys and sadnesses.

We laughed and we cried.

The hours passed like minutes.

Then ,it was time for you to leave. .

We looked with longing...

into each others eyes.

I pulled you closer to me.

I placed my hands gently ...

On the sides of your face..

Tracing your beautiful outline.. ,

As if I were blind..

Comitting it to memory.

My fingers moved around your lips. .

You kissed lightly...

touching it with your tongue. .

Moving my other hand behind your head, .

Softly stroking your long silken hair..

I eased towards your waiting lips. .

We kissed gently at first,

But long awaited passions began to build.

Lips pressing more urgently now. .

Tongues entwined with hidden needs.

Hands feeling and carressing..

Lost deeply,.

Within the passions of our minds. .

Reluctantly, we both knew it was time. .

We walked back slowly...hand in hand..

Silently, each lost in our own thoughts..

As we parted, I felt an emptiness,

Only to be replaced,

With feelings of warmth.

Feelings of knowing for certain, .

That my Dream,

Had indeed become my Reality:)

I am already anticipating...

Our next meeting. .

blstar3.gif (1362 bytes)An Glenn Love blstar3.gif (1362 bytes)

Dreams do come true......

For my dreams came true...

When I looked at you.....:)

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In that first touch..

Our hands entwined.

Your hand ...

You so lovingly interlaced with mine.

Within that touched,.

I felt a flame....

And I knew in a heartbeat...

I would never ever be the same.

An Shayna(copyright1999)

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Sharing everything......

Love, Laughter, tenderness, hugs, and yes.....

Even my favorite....

Mmmmmm .....Sundaes....:)

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Are the most important gifts....

One can give ...

To another..:)

© 1998 Shayna & Glenn Love are the authors of original poetry and thoughts on this page You will see my name in flames displayed beneath each original piece.NOTE: These original writings may NOT be reproduced, distributed or displayed in any way or form without the author's expressed and written consent.You may not circulate them or place them for the viewing public in any way.If you wish to share this poem with any other person(s), then please either share this web page address, or place a link to this web page (let me know so I may visit you)or get expressed and written permission from the authors. Thank you.......Shayna

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