Recent events in the news have sparked heated debates on the topic of violence. From the war over in Kosovo to the Littleton shootings antiviolence advocates have proposed that legislation be enacted into Congress stating that the government intervene, once again, in our lives and hold our hands because certain people aren't doing their jobs. These individuals state that movies, video games and music are the culprits and should be regulated.

Personally, I think that it is absolute crap that I have to suffer because some parents want to be friends with their kids instead of parents and want the government to raise their kids instead of taking the responsibility themselves. Come on! How can a kid go about building bombs for a year and his parents not find out?! That, my fellow wolves, is called neglect. Parents should not be friends with their children. And in no way are kids equal to their parents. That's why they spring from parental loins instead of the other way around. This is also why we have drive-by-shootings and kids overdosing on all sorts of drugs, because there is no parental supervision. Parents are losing all of their rights because idiots are killing their kids because they don't want the responsibility. We have new mothers killing newborn babies in public bathrooms and leaving them in the trash. What kind of world do we live in where human life has become a matter that we can just throw away, like trash, and claim that OH! I WAS GOING THROUGH A BAD TIME! People, we all have bad times. We all have bills we need to pay. We all have jobs we hate to go to. We all have loved ones we wish were here. We all have sorrows and troubles. We all get picked on. No one has ever experienced something that someone else hasn't already felt. We are all in this mix together. We have to remember that. I have had my share of fights. I have won a good many. And I have lost some also. When you fight or try to kill someone you are giving them your power. And it is all about power. When someone teases you into a fight; they have power over you. You may beat the tar out of them; still they controlled you like a puppet.

Some people get off on that. I refuse to let anyone or thing have power over me. Yes, I said thing. Alcohol or other drugs are very mean taskmasters. I had servitude under alcohol for a bit and let me tell you it makes you do stuff you normally wouldn't. If you don't believe me, have someone videotape you next time you get drunk. It will open your eyes, believe me. If movies are the cause of this rash of violence sweeping the nation, then lack of parental control is their cause. People these days are so use to letting the TV baby-sit their children. Or sitting in front of the TV playing Nintendo for all hours. It is totally repulsive. Obesity is on a rampage in this nation because of lack of will to even go outside, intelligence is being subverted for commonality (in schools you are taught what will make you a respectable worker sheep instead of what we would like to make our live to be), and sex is being set up like it is all we were put on this planet for. Come on! Sex is fun but we are humans before we are animals. We have been given minds to control our instincts.

What are we becoming?

-Council Wolf Raven-

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