The World Moves On

by CouncilWolf

This generation has been labeled. In the ever-persistent quests to be different and alternative we have cornered ourselves. We feel that we need an identity; something that identifies us with what and who we think we are or what society has labeled us to be. Gone are the true causes, the ones that make people go to war, fight or even die. These are the days where the mighty dollar is losing its hold on people's wills. With too many people becoming millionaires and a select few becoming billionaires the challenges are gone. Old prejudices are fading away and forming new ones. Where one time a person was judged because of their religion or race, now they is judged whether or not they possess a slip of paper or plastic identifying themselves. Sex has also become an item of discussion. Twenty years ago they would have thought you insane or gay if you accused a female boss of sexual harassment over a male employee. The balance of power is shifting... Or maybe it was always that way. In a world where religion of any kind is frowned upon and condoms are given freely to young children, what are we really to expect of this generation? No longer may we even speak our minds freely. These are the days of the politically correct, the days of lying to everyone's faces for fear of hurting their feelings. It seems that people fear knowledge of the truth. A truth that says, "Judge not, lest ye be judged." A truth that defines sex as a natural thing not to be ashamed of for those who go into it with a strong mind of who they are and who their partner(s) is. A truth that says I may look like a deranged psychokiller but that man over there with the charming smile and the debonair attitude is really the psychokiller. Ah…looks can be so deceiving. A truth that states, knowing who your enemies are can actually benefit and drive you. A truth that says insults can harden the human will to survive and will not break it. The world moves on. The arrival of AIDS is the marker in time that proves it. The world does not want us here anymore. Nature is a harsh mistress who has seen the rise and fall of creatures vast and bold before the dawn of humanity was a genetic spark. In our futile attempts to save the planet we have failed to realize that the planet is very well capable of saving itself and would rather have us destroyed to start anew with a new life form. We are a pestilence to the ecosystem, a cockroach to be stepped on. The ways of those who came before us cannot be used now. A new set of rules needs to be enacted and our ways must change if we are to ensure our survival as a species. Maybe one day we will look back on ourselves and wonder how we ever got past that barbaric stage of existence. If so, I hope that world is a safer place than it is now. Or am I just dreaming again?


© 1999, by CoucilWolf