Well, this is a page dedicated to Pyro, who will be the webmaster of andthen.net (if it ever gets up) and because I only mentioned him once in MY bio, he feels it is his duty to tell everyone just how much he has given, even though only about 3 people will read this. Oh well. Here goes. Anything in parentheses are comments by me.
Yes, this is Pyro, world famous for the upcoming Andthen.net, =) the one the only person that stupid Matt only wrote his name in his story only 1 time! Well, I did alot more than just help him with HTML. If it weren't for me, then he wouldn't be where he is today! (He's right. I copied all his layouts. :Ţ) Here's my story, of what happened behind the scenes of what Matt told you, or if he didn't know this already...
Let's see, where should I begin? I will begin a few weeks before Matty (Matty?) joined Diesel's Pokémon RPG... Before I knew Matt, when I was pretty much a total nobody, (and still is. Sorry Pyro, couldn't resist.) I joined this RPG called Michele's Pokéemon World. It was the place where I met Diesel. Funny story, I thought he was a girl, and eventually that little comedy trip turned into somewhat of a friendship. A few weeks after we met Diesel grew tired of Michele's RPG and decided to create one of his own, when he showed me his site I was astonished to find out that he had copied and pasted his entire site off Michele's site. I joined, and became friends with Scotty (MEAGA X4), Timothy(Tubbbytub), and Jason (CRTrasher3). At first there was alot of tension between me and the other 3 because Diesel treated me above them. At one point I was even in charge of the site when Diesel was away, after some problems erupted between the 3 of them. In time, like Diesel growing tired of Michele's Pokemon RPG, I grew tired and created my own RPG site. (There have been a gazillion more RPG sites since this one.) The first one was tragic, it didnt go the way I wanted it to. I had very few members and absolutely no site making skills. But while making this crappy site I made a friend who would spark up everything that Matt didn't bother to mention. This friend I met was S0phat. (Wanna know why I didn't mention it? Cause I have never met s0phat. That's why.) After some time after metting s0phat, he and I began working together to learn as much as we could about HTML, site making, etc. We eventually created an RPG that was even greater than Diesel's. It's name was Pokéball Island. A RPG created specifically to draw out all of the members of Diesel's site, and it truely did it's job. Unfortunately, problems began to erupt. They began to start when I became friends with David (Chrono3Dr, a.k.a. Son Gokou in Matt's story). After we became friends, he wanted to create a DBZ site, I agreed to help him with it, but I never got arround to it and instead he created a Pokémon site. That site lasted 3 days and finally I was able to convince him to create a DBZ RPG site, which I helped him with. While the first DBZ Dojo was in it's creation, trust issues began to occur between me and s0phat, eventually the site was split into two sites, because I stubbornly did not want to trust him with the site's password. Eventually the site fell, and we both began to drift apart. The first DBZ Dojo was a complete success, it lasted a long time. I was vice president of it, with Son Gokou on the top. I didn't realize it at the time, but Gokou was developing somewhat of a backbone, which would eventually begin the crumbling of all future RPG sites. (Tell me about it.) While the site rang on I created another RPG, that was the Golden Age of all RPG sites. That had a total of 32 members. That site fell when I grew bored of it and regretfully left the site to Tubbby, and CRTrasher's cousin Eric who deleted it when I demanded it back. Later, tension began to erupt between us when I befriended a site member who he wasn't too fond of. Modeman27 (she is not a guy, she is a girl). When the two began to clash, he figured I was on her side, and banned me from the Dojo. Alot of confusion rang through, and in the end the Dbz Dojo came to an end when an Angelfire error destroyed the site's password, leaving the entire site unable to get into. The site is still immpossible to get into today. (That has happened many, many times.) Gokou suspected that I had something to do with the loss of the password and blamed me for the site's destruction. He was able to bring a few people against me as well. People whom I thought were friends, the ones I met from Diesel's RPG. I hadn't realized it from the beginning but he had been making them 'worship' him from the beginning...
Some time after that, while Son Gokou created another RPG, me and s0phat's friendship drew to a close as he said farewell to the RPG sites, and went on to learn greater programing. During the second DBZ Dojo, after me and Son Gokou became friends once more, Diesel would introduce me and Son Gokou to Matthew Cavalier(That would be me). He and I didn't really bond from the start. (That's an understatement.) It came to a shock to me when Diesel told me that he had been on his site ever since I joined. Soon after that Son Gokou created a Pokémon site, and this much is pretty much told in Matt's story.
As for me and s0phat, we still talk here and there. He is much better than me in site making now, I guess quitting those RPGs was worth it for him. (He's actually helping make And Then.) Me and Son Gokou are pretty much the ultimate of rivals, always competing against each other at something. Right now the two of us are in the process of creating a actual Dragon Ball Z RPG GAME. That's right, not a site, an actual online game. We haven't gotten very far yet, but we are trying. We know some people who know the programming stuff, so eventually it will be done. As for me and Diesel, we have grown apart greatly. We don't really talk at all. As for my friendship with Tubbby...I dont even see him on at all. CRT, and MEAGA, we are still good friends, me and CRT are Star Craft fanatics, along with Dave. (Son Gokou) And MEAGA is pretty cool, although he can sometimes take Digimon a little too seriously. (A MAJOR understatement.)
And as for my friendship with Matt, over the months, me and Matt have become good friends, although I am always bothering him about buying Star Craft, or playing whatever game me and the others are playing, and he never does. (:Ţ) I still don't understand the way his head thinks, (No one does.) but even though I don't agree with what he does, he is one of the best friends I, or anyone could ever ask for. (Awww...)