Mussa Yousef Khartoum Homepage
KHARTOUM NORTH ( Khartoum Bahari)
Bahari, an Arabic word meaning northern is the name given to the town across the Blue Nile north to Khartoum,in north central Sudan, in Khartoum Province, on the Blue Nile River just above its confluence with the White Nile, with population of almost 1.700.000( 2007)
Sheik Khojali, a prominent religious man has been indicated as one of the founders of this settlement. Modern Bahari began to develop into cosmopolitan center during the Condominium era to be an industrial compound of the capital. Today many industries and trade centers has arisen in Khartoum North:
Dockyards, workshops, a meat-packing, textile-weaving, industries. Industrial production includes rubber products,tannig,sawmills, brickmaking, concrete, canvas shoes along with Livestock, cotton, wheat, barley, and fruit aas main agricultural products. The City is connected with other parts of the country with a net of railrood and asphalted roads
Khartoum North hosts also many penitentiary institutions such as the famous “ Kobar” (named after the British Cooper) detention center and other major youth reformatories. During the Mahdiya rule military
four bridges connect it with Khartoum and a fifth ( Shambat Bridge) links it to Omdurman.
The town receives daily merchants and peasants from the nearby farms offering their commodities to meet the demands of the growing population of the capital.
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