MIRC get authed! First Download MIRC if you havent already @ http://www.mirc.com 2. go to http://www.gamesurge.net Then on the top right corner click account registration. Fill out the form and receive your email. 3. to connect to IRC you must connect to gamesurge.net server. for a list of severs go to http://www.gamesurge.net put your mouse over Information then click on IRC Servers. Now you can click on a sever preferably close to you. It should open up irc and connect you to that server. 4.setting up you perform box. Go to tools-options, then connect-options now click on perform. in the box type /authserv auth yourusername yourpassword /join #tiechat /cs invite #warops 5. Now when you connect to irc authserv should recognize you. a message sayin "I recognize you". Now you must ask a admin to addpeon you to #warops, once they have done that you will be able to enter. you should also ask them to voice you in #tiechat. 6.Disconnect, Reconnect and try it. Did you get the "I recognize you" message.? Did you get into #tiechat and get voiced (+v)? Did you get into #warops? If not please reread the previous steps. And if you STILL cant get it to work, you may try to conntact me either in #tiechat. My AIM is zepter508, and icq is #91151954. im on alot, but i do also have RL responsibilities such as a Wife and JOB. If you cant reach me, or if i am no help then try someone else, preferebly a leader of some sort, if they cant then ask them to point you in the right direction of someone else.