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Loving Your Dog

When is the last time you loved your dog?

Now when I say, "LOVED YOUR DOG" I mean lay down on the floor and touch your dog, and show it just how much you love it! Most of you will say every day. I am not saying pat it or rub it tummy, I mean really love it and show it just how much you really care, and well you are at it you can check to find, or feel for any abnormalities well your at it!

Now, not to sound funny, but there has been studies done on
"Touch Therapy"
and they have found that touching animals has proven to be beneficial to the animal if not more to the people doing it! It calms you and lowers blood pressure and builds a sense of confidence between you and YOUR (DOG).

Now, I looked into this, and it blows my mind when I think back to the day, I was rubbing my dog neck when I found a pea size lump near the back of its ear. When I told the "VET" about it and it turned out to be nothing. "BUT" that is when the vet started to tell me that I should rub and check for lump and any abnormalities at least once a month.

When I first started to do this I had come to find not that some of my dogs would not let me put them on there back and massage them. So not to be discouraged I started to work with them and I found myself starting to understand them more and more every time I would check them out! Now I never would have started to think I would start doing what I do now. But I have come to find myself knowing every dog's soft spots! And I can relax the dog till it starts to fall asleep.

One thing you will find out is that a "PUPPY" will be very "HIPPER" but in time it will learn to calm down. Even if you have to hold it down, it will relax in time! This is were you and the pup will start to use this as a key part of training (TRUST) and (UNDERSTANDING) each other!

I find that you have to find the best place to do this, "atmosphere". When I do this I have to be "one with the dog". Some were quiet, were nobody is around! . It also helps you to relax and enjoy the session as much as your pet does. You want your pet to be as comfortable as possible.

What I do, is start at the head (tip of the nose) and work my way to the (tip of the tail). I have the dog facing me, so I can start to build trust with the dog. And "TALK" to the dog in a very low sweet voice! I find that eye to eye contact to start with works great! "REMEMBER" you are trying to relax the dog. As I move from the head to the neck, I find myself moving to the side of the dog trying not to move the dog, "I move". Till I will roll the dog over from one side to the other and move to the tail.

So you ask, "What Should I Look For?"

Lump, Bump, Sore Spot, Cut, Ticks and so on!

And one more thing my vet said you can do, when doing this, is when the dog is totally relax. You can come back to the mouth, and start using a soft child's toothbrush, and brush our dog's teeth. On puppies, I will take a gauze strip, wrap it around my finger, wet it and use it to run over their teeth. You can take this time to really look close at your dog's ears. Use a soft cloth to wipe out ears, even if the ear is clean. This will make it easier if you ever need to actually clean the ear. Never stick anything inside your dog's ears!

Remember that the first time you do this to the dog, the dog maybe very jumpy and will not sit still. But in time the dog and you will come to look forward to this time spent together! And in time you to will learn were your dog's soft spots are too! So love your dog and you will find it will start to love you back!

O' one more thing! "Take Your Time" I spend about 45minutes -1 hour per DOG!

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