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Incredible Stories
and some

One thing, I can not understand, why is it some people think that a puppy or adult dog knows, "Right from Wrong"?

I get E-Mail's all the time, about their dog's or someone else's dog that did the most amazing thing!
And then there are the things that "BLOW MY MIND!"

All dogs do the following

Bark, Beg, Bite, Chew, Claw, Dig, Growls, Howls, Jumps, Run,
and many more!

What I am looking for, is things that are,
"Outrageous, Demented and Perplexed"
Thing that dog's "do not" do naturally, (Primitively)

So if you have a story to tell, send it to me at:
If your story is unbelievable, if not incredible, I will put it on this page for all to read.

This is a link to "The Air Major Story" the life of one incredible Dog!

As I was getting ready to leave, Danny
mentioned that the tiny runt was going
to the pound for adoption the next day.

"That did it"

I knew the statistics of what happened to
animals that wound up in the pound.

Air Major

The Hanging Dog

One day I went to a party with a friend, to a friend's house, and when I was there, I had noticed that all the tree branches had been broken off at about 7-8 feet above the ground? As the day went on there was a small dog playing fetch with the kids that were at the party and later that day the owner of the dog, I had come to find out was the owner of the house that we were at.

When I got introduced to him, I asked him,
"why all of the tree branches were broken off?"
He said that you have to see this to believe it! And then he grabbed a big stick, about 4 feet long and 1 inch thick. At that point he called the dog over and held the stick in the air above his head and said "GET IT"

That's when I would say I saw the most amazing thing, I have ever seen a dog do! The dog ran around and a round in bigger and bigger circles and jumped up in the air and grabbed the stick and then the guy started to spin around, and around as fast as he could till he could not spin any more! I could not believe my eyes!

That dog was not about to let go of that stick! Now I was shocked to see this dog that was about the size of a small collie, but when it jumped over 6 feet in the air and grabbed the stick I was amazed, then when he started to spin with the dog holding the stick I was shocked! Thinking that the dog was going to fly off at any moment, I was starting to feel bad for the dog. And then he showed us why all the tree branches were chewed off!

He then pointed to a tree that had a nub of a branch that still on the tree. It was about 7 plus feet off the ground and then the dog ran up the side of the tree and tried to grab the branch or should I say, "what was left of a branch." It took the dog two tries, but it did it! And that dog hung on to that branch for over 30 minutes! Even when the owner call the dog it was not going to let go of that branch till it could not hold on any more!

Now when we stood there in amazement, the owner told us that he called the Guinness book of records and they could of cared less?! He even sent them a picture of the dog hang from a branch on a tree with his 6-year-old daughter standing under the dog which he has hanging in his home!

He told me that he went to the hardware store to get a new rake one-day. And when he left, the dog was hanging from a branch, and when he returned home, to were he was working in the yard. The dog was still hanging on the same branch over an hour later!


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