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Pictures of where I go to school

Here are some pictures I took with a digital camera around my college, Emerson College, and where I live.

This is my street, Beacon St. This is one of the most famous streets in Boston. This is the 100 block of the street, just a bit down from Cheers and right between Arlington St. and Berkeley St.

This is the front of my dorm, 100 Beacon St. (see it written above the door?) A popular thing for kids here to do is sit on the front stoop and chat (as you can see in this picture). Once, I was going in the front door of the dorm and a guy was standing where those guys are and he was peeing into the wall.

I wasn't impressed.

This is my computer...I worked the job from hell this summer to get it and I am damn proud of it. I also got the lava lamp on ebay for CHEAP!!

My REALLY messy room! God, I need to clean...

Yes, I am on crack...

This is the picture that my friend Stuart drew me. It's a naked man (with penis and all), so I put two condoms over top to hide it. ON the side, he wrote "Hi Dee! Do you like my warmup?" and signed it. Turns out, he drew this to warm up for his drawing assignment. I'm so touched that he drew a nude male for me. :::odd look::::