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My Favorite Comedian

I love Margaret Cho. I think she's one of the funniest people alive...probably cause I can so understand everything she talks about.

I can't type out everything funny she's ever said...but here's a bit from a comedy show she did....she talks about being a fag hag....

see, i love to say the word faggot.....cause I am a fag hag. I am proud...I am damn proud.....because fag hags are the backbone of the gay community. i have seen the history. I have been there. I was guiding you through the underground railroad....."come on girl, don't forget kyle!" We were there from the beginning. I went to the prom with you......buckled up your cumberbund, did the safety dance. I am still there....we fag hags are still there....on Friday night giving you a ride to Just Rewards. I love going to gay bars, it's so great....but gay men.....if they hook up with somebody, they leave you so fast....they are the worst, you know, they really are because at least your girlfriends, if you are out with them, they are like "um, well, i came with somebody, so i can't really leave...i mean, i came with people, you know what i mean, i mean that would be rude if i just took off. I can't really do that...I came with know what I mean? I came with people." Your gay friends are like "See ya, wouldn't want to be ya!" and they are like gone. And you're left with all the other fag hags standing by the wall going "well, i guess i'll take that ecstasy by myself."
I was always the most appreciated at the gay bars because I would always get the most dressed up and the most messed up. I was the girl, like, in the Dulce Gubana outfit laying face down on the dance floor. That was me. "Oh, why don't you get up? Girl, biiiiitch....oh my god, you are so scary. That is so...why don't you get up? I don't think she's breathing. Get up! Oh my god.....that is so....that's a cute outfit, though...where'd you get that at? That is cute...oh why don't you get up? Does anybody know CPR?"