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yeh. i made a survey... ... but ya don't have to fill it out...
yeah, you know what to do...

so, what's your name? \\

and what's your email address? \\

got a site? yeah? what's the url? \\

how old are ya? \\

who are your favorite bands? \\

do you like skittles? i don't know, i'm just curious. \\

do you watch snl (saturday night live)? \\

this survey is boring, huh? what else should i ask? \\

so, what kind of music are you into? (rock, punk, alternative, pop...) \\

what's your favorite movie? \\

what do you think of george dubya? \\

woo. do you have telekinesis, like carrie?! \\

what's the longest you've ever had a piece of gum?? heh... \\

if i were to make a page of the answers people gave me to this survey on my site, could i put yours there? \\

do you know the flyin spedmonkey? \\

what color are your hair and eyes? \\
* thanks, Dianna, for those two questions
what do you think about cheese? do you like it? \\
*thanks, tiny, for the cheese idea :)

eh, you can give me suggestions of what to ask here.. or whatever... ask me a question, vent, tell me stuff... write a book..