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Dana Bernstien

Dana Bernstein was murdered on July 22,1996. She was shot and left lying there anywhere between 6-12 hours before her body was discovered by an individual taking a walk along Maple Beach near the Burlington Bristol Bridge. The police came to my apartment to ask me questions. I was told that a woman's body was found and that I was needed to come to DVMC to see if I could identify the body. I will never forget the numbness as I walk into the Xray room and saw her body already encased in a bag. I wasn't even allowed to touch or kiss her. I feel like I am getting nowhere, in this investigation of my daughters death. I have been to the police station atleast 75 times. I feel helpless, but I am not now nor ever going to stop in my pursuit to find the person or persons responsible for my daughter's death.

A Heartbroken Mother,
Jeanne Bernstien

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Revised: September 23, 2000.