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  • The possibility that Herby's mom and her friend Bob could have been dead before the fire even started is a possibility that has been discussed time and time again. (Not only by us, but by other people we talked to about this.)

  • We talked to an employee at the District Attorney's office shortly after this reopened. We discussed how we felt that Herb's mom and Bob could have been and probably were dead before the fire even started. She agreed, having listened to everything that we told her about the people involved with this. She said that if it were true that they would be able to exhume the bodies and do forensic tests to prove or disprove what we felt probably happened to them.

  • We believe that the children were awake and very much alive at the time of the fire and that is odd as well. There were people that heard the children screaming from outside the burning house.

  • I even talked to the acting County Coroner on this issue shortly after the current County Coroner was arrested for foul play such as theft from the dead and other charges he was convicted of.

  • The acting County Coroner was very understanding to what we were telling him and even offered to call the Lead Investigator and offer his help. At that time we felt that things were moving along ok so we told him that we didn’t want to over step anyone so we would put it off for now.

  • When we went to our first and only personal meeting with Chief County Detective Agent Schriner he even agreed that it was a strong possibility. The talk in the neighborhood even suggested that the fire was arson and that something bad happened to Herby's mom before the fire even started.

  • There was a fight in the neighborhood earlier in the evening that night between the suspect and his girlfriend.

  • One of Herby's Aunts came to us and told us that she and his Uncle got a phone call from a close neighbor of his mom's and the caller told her that "someone was gonna take out a whole family that night".

  • Another one of Herby's Aunts said that there is no way his mother would ever have gone to bed without making sure that the house was locked up and the children were sleeping. She even suggested the possibility of Herb's mom being dead before the fire started.

  • The son of Officer Robert Kibler, (1 of the 2 officers that responded that night) Joseph R. Kibler, died under unknown circumstances. Even though it was unrelated to this case I find it to be a very mysterious incident nonetheless.


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  • Governor Tom Ridge Thanks Riot Guards For Their "Bravery"
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  • Death By Pennsylvania Prison Guard
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  • Pennsylvania State Trooper Arrest For Being A Crooked Cop
  • Police Master The Fine Art Of "Testi-Lying"
  • State Cop Needs To Be Investigated
  • A Museum For The Great Pennsylvania State Cop Mafia

  • Site Design by Angel Grafix 2000.
    © 1997 Angel Grafix 2000 Angels.
    Background courtesy of Angel Grafix 2000.
    All rights reserved.
    Revised: April 25, 2002.