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Donna Dickey

Her name is Donna Dickey. Donna was a beautiful 32 year old mother of two, sister of 5, daughter of two wonderful parents, very kind and loving and much to trustful as she became a murder victim at the hands of a cold-blooded killer who violently raped and strangled the life from her on August 10, 1990.

Donna's body was found near the access road to the Bucks County Dept. of Health next to the Lower Bucks Hospital on Bath Road in Bristol, Pennsylvania which is the borough/township border. At the time of her murder, Donna's 1973 Gold Ford Pinto that had front end damage was seen on Rte. 13 near Pine Street in Bristol which was parked there between 4 and 6 p.m. after she had got off of work at Bradlees Dept. Store. Donna was seen at the Burger King near Beaver Street in Bristol Borough at 4:45 p.m. making a purchase then at 5:45 p.m. parked her 1973 Gold Pinto along Rte.13 by Silver lake Park in Bristol Township and was seen heading towards Bath Road. Donna was not seen again until her car was found by a security guard who investigating a complaint that a 1973 Ford Pinto was illegally parked on the access road that leads to the Dept. of Health Building. Then the gruesome discovery of her body was found partially clothed, naked from the waist down with her blouse clad to her body.

Undergarments were found a few feet from her body. Identification was not on her person nor has her purse was ever located at the scene or in the immediate area. There are very little clues to find this violent murderer who has taken Donna away from us. A mother, sister and daughter of loved ones who are desperate to find this cruel, heartless, violent rapist, murderer son of a bitch.

Let me tell you about Donna:

Donna was a beautiful person in every way. She was very loving to any child she would come in contact with. Donna would push the small children on the swings, sing songs, play games in the yard and hold a small child close to her heart with love and affection and the children loved to be around her. As an adult, I saw Donna as a very intelligent, caring for others before herself, friendly to whom ever she met without prejudice for any reason. Donna did not judge people by others words, but her own feelings. What Donna had been through and accomplished in her life taught her to find a reason to love and accept people for who they are. In my eyes that was a very special quality that Donna had and I admired her for the love and joy that she brought into peoples lives.

Donna and I share the same birthday. Although we were born two years apart, with every breathe I take, Donna is part of me. Each birthday that goes by is harder to accept knowing that we should be sharing that day together exchanging gifts, laughing and enjoying each other rather than waking to know that I will be going to the cemetery to grieve because I love and miss her so much. What I wouldn't give to be able to touch her beautiful face, hold her had or just look into her eyes and feel the love that she always has given me. It's just not the same staring at the ground crying out of anger and frustration knowing that I can't even give her the gift of peace or a smile knowing her murderer is still out there. Even though her life was taken, I know that Donna will not rest knowing that someone else will suffer as she did until this cruel,violent murderer is caught.


I just hope that whomever else knows about you will look deep into their heart and help my family bring you to justice. Nothing will bring Donna back to us but may help someone else from becoming a victim as Donna did. Not only have you destroyed the life of Donna, but have changed the lives of all of us who love her forever. It has now been 8 years and I have not will not give up until I find you!

There are few 1973 Gold Ford Pinto's still on the road and maybe her car would have stood out and this will help refresh the memory of that someone who saw you with Donna.

Sincere thanks to all who now know a little of Donna.

Jill S.

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Revised: September 23, 2000.