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Can you Help Solve Any of These Unsolved Murders

Below is a list of state-by-state murder cases that are unsolved. (Some cases are solved and are mark in red letters, but I will leave them up for awhile to help with public awareness about the violence that has to be stopped! Too many lives are being lost for no reason and I don't feel the laws are tough enough to make anyone stop to think before they murder an innocent child or an adult anymore. Any help that anyone can offer will be kept in the strictest of confidence. If you or someone you know knows anything about any of these stories, please come forth and right a terrible wrong. The life you save may be someone you love or even your own. These people have and will kill again.Thank you for your help and support.

God Bless,

From Angel


Alabama Louisiana Ohio
Alaska Maine Oklahoma
Arizona Maryland Oregon
Arkansas Massachusetts Pennsylvania
California Michigan Rhode Island
Colorado Minnesota South Carolina
Connecticut Mississippi South Dakota
Delaware Missouri Tennessee
Florida Montana Texas
Georgia Nebraska Utah
Hawaii Nevada Vermont
Idaho New Hampshire Virginia
Illinios New Jersey Washington
Indiana New Mexico Washington, D.C.
Iowa New York West Virginia
Kansas North Carolina Wisconsin
Kentucky North Dakota Wyoming

Site Design by Angel Grafix 2000.
© 1997 Angel Grafix 2000 Angels.
Background courtesy of Angel Grafix 2000.
All rights reserved.
Revised: September 21, 2001.