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Gary Wessock

He was 32 years old when he was shot to death in his Tullytown apartment at 723 Brown Street. Police found him lying face down in his kitchen. Gary was reputed to be an enforcer, providing security for the Breed Motorcycle Club. His club nickname was Gilmore. Gary was a very imposing man at 6 feet 3inches and 240 pounds and a 4th degree black belt in karate, he had his hands registered as lethal weapons with Bristol Township Police Department. Gary got special permission to join the Marines at the very young age of 16. With in a year, he was in Vietnam because he wanted to serve his country. He re-enlisted when his stint was up and, by the age 20, he was discharged as a sergeant.Gary was know to get into trouble, he was shot and stabbed in separate incidents. But because of his stringent workouts and martial arts prowess, he survived both. He even lost his colon during the November 1982 shooting at the former Alibi Bar at Five Points. Gary is survived by his brother Clyde, and he feels that because of his reputation, physical size and suspicion of people he didn't know or trust that Gary "had to know his killers." One law enforcement official close to the case agrees. "I don't think one person carried out this murder. This was a planned hit, and it had to involve more than one person.'

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