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Trinity Miller

Forever 19

Trinity Miller born April 22, 1977

Taken away June 16, 1996

An angel now, Trinity is watching over all of us, keeping us from harm.

Trinity was a beautiful person...kind to every living creature.

Because of her learning disability she was labeled "slow" or "retarded", but at some things she excelled. Just ask her the name of any popular song and composer and she would rattle the names right out. Her love of animals was very apparent, not long before her murder she saved a kitten that some kids were being mean to ....she just went right up to them and took the kitten and brought it home....When Trinity was very young we used to sing "How much is that doggie in the window", even as she got older we often sang the song, but of course when her friends were around she pretended she thought it was dumb! She would always come to everyone’s defense...if you were in trouble you could depend on Trinity for support. If anyone was sick Trinity would be right by their side, helping in anyway she could.

Trinity was a good kid, never hurt anyone, always kind and probably much to her demise, liked and talked to everyone. Her openness and trustfulness made her an easy target for her murderer.

There was a very serious side to Trinity also..At times she would almost be mesmerized in her thoughts. I often wondered what her thoughts were...I can’t sleep at night wondering what her last thoughts were. Did she call out for me?, Was she scared,? I know she was scared, all alone. It’s horrible to think of what her last moments were like, the last words she heard were her murderers saying horrible things to her. Did he make fun of her, call her names, make her beg for her life? Trinity was a young girl, I know she wondered what "making love " was like. We talked about it and as far as I know she never experience "making love". Her only experience was a brutal rape that took her life. What was her thoughts, I hear her crying in my dreams. I wish it had been me...I wish he had taken me...I’m stronger, I wish he had taken me on...I wish it was me.....

As far as we can figure out her last moments on earth consisted of:

On the night of Saturday June 15, 1996 she was visiting friends in her neighborhood. She left to walk home and that was the last any of her friends saw of her. Somewhere between leaving her friends house and getting to her home her murderer got to her first. Trinity was brutally raped, strangled and beaten beyond recognition. She was found the next morning June 16, 1996 approximately 50 feet from her own front door. There was blood everywhere, apparently she suffered a long time before the angels came and finally took her away.

All the evidence in her case is circumstantial. ( at least that is what we are told). Almost from day one there has been a suspect....he has been questioned and his family has been questioned...all the circumstantial evidence had been tampered with...his clothes were washed...his car was thoroughly cleaned ....although there are still pieces of evidence being investigated the odds are that he will not see his day in court unless someone comes forward and gives information that can help bring him to justice. I know there must be someone out there that knows something.

I truly believe that for every unsolved murder, there is someone who knows something about it, and maybe some day more people will realize that people who murder should be taken off the street.

I can not personally understand how anyone can support him, he is a brutal murderer and if he does it once he will do it again...if he can do this to an innocence young girl what do you think he would do to anyone who makes him angry...I believe he will kill again...he has gotten away with this, feeling pretty smug about himself and he WILL strike again...Please anyone reading this if you know anything that could help this investigation please contact Families of Unsolved Murders and help get him off the streets.

There continues to be a substantial monitory reward offered by Trinity’s family for any information leading to the conviction of this Murderer.

PLEASE, PLEASE if you know anything about Trinity’s murder come forward and help.

Help Trinity rest in peace. Please!

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Background courtesy of Angel Grafix 2000.
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Revised: September 23, 2000.