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What a vision my memory holds. I
can remember the night we first
met. The music was playing, the
waves breaking nearby and the
moon shinning. Yes, I recall it
shinning directly upon you. The
silver threads of moonlight beaming
off your hair and face. Illuminating
you like a shinning star, standing
out from all the rest. When you
looked over my way, our eyes met
and I was sure that smile was an
invitation to begin a relationship
that would last the rest of our lives.

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You were so beautiful, I became
self conscious that you would not
find someone like me, just an
ordinary guy, someone that could
hold a place in your heart. Laughing
now, I remember going over and
saying, "Hi, I'm Jerry, Its a beautiful
night isn't it?" You smiled and
agreed, "Oh yes, I love the ocean
and a cool summer's night breeze.
The stars are an invitation to reach
out, search your dreams and feel
that anything is possible. Oh by
the way my name is Brenda."
Great I am thinking. She is sharing
her thoughts and even her name
with me. Life is good and I am the
luckiest man in the world right now.

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We talked for what seemed like
hours and as the music played
we found ourselves in each others
arms dancing. There was
something so wonderful and
powerful happening that I was
speechless. I could see the
same in her. We looked into each
others eyes, I reached out and
touched her cheek and my
lips found hers. Oh how weak I
felt at that moment. Every part
of my body was lost to the
incredible feeling that even to
this day I am still unable to describe.

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As the night came to a close she
told me she had to go but, "Here
let me give you this. It has my
phone number. I would really
like to see you again, so please
call me and we can again dream
amongst the stars. Eagerly, I
took the card and put it in my
pocket. No doubt here that I
would not call again. Only how
long I could hold out without
calling! I mean lets face it, later
tonight or first thing tomorrow
would definately be too soon. I
had to find some way to compose
myself. I said, "Goodnight and
thank you for a wonderful
evening." Kissed her and
watched her leave. Oh, I stood
there for the longest time even
after she was out of sight. The
memory of her in my mind
was still mesmerizing.

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After a few days (of which I drove
myself crazy talking myself into
not calling her to seem too
desperate) I dialed the number.
To my surprise, a man answered.
I asked, "May I speak to Brenda
please?". His reply was quite
abrupt. "Brenda is not here and
who are you?" I stumbled for an
answer and could only say, "My
name is Jerry and.." Before I
could say anything else, he replied,
"Well, Jerry huh? Look don't call
here no more. I don't know how
you got this number but don't
call no more, you understand?"
and then he hung up.

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I was shocked into disbelief. Who
was this guy and why did he
answer Brenda's phone?
Confused I waited and called
several other times only to hang
up when this man answered
again and again. I remember the
heartfelt sorrow. This beautiful
woman, the moonlight beauty
who captured my heart and
made me believe that dreams
come true. I had nothing left
but the memory of her face and
a card with her name and number.
A number that was useless.
Who was this man? Was I never
to see her again?

Brenda Chapter Two

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