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How do I just watch you walk away.
Leaving me behind for someone new.
Could all the years we shared together.
Now, just mean nothing at all to you?

Am I now to believe the love we felt.
Was only a figment of my imagination?
Your words of "goodbye", chill my soul.
Penetrating my heart with a cold sensation.

Loneliness is already closing in around me.
Who will I turn to at the end of each day?
You've always been my soul and inspiration.
What more can I do? What words should I say?

Did I not fulfill your every need, body and soul?
What gift does she possess that stole your heart?
Every breath I take now, lacks the air that I need.
Tears of sorrow, sting my eyes before they drop.

How do I just sit here and watch you go?
Can't you hear my heart begging you to stay?
Waiting with anticipation for you to turn around.
It's a mistake..Don't go..Come back my way!

Your hand reaches out but not mine to touch.
Promises of everlasting love, now only goodbye.
Kisses so sweet and tender but not mine to feel.
Should have asked before you left...How do I?

© "mcrep"2000
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