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Copyright © 1997, 1998, 1999 Martin R. Raskovsky All Rights Reserved.

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How does life go on each
day when your heart is
breaking? The sun rises
and sets. The moon shines
to brighten our night with
mystery and romance.
For me mystery yes, but
no romance. I have yet
to meet anyone since
that night I shared with
Brenda that could mend
this broken heart.

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One night I returned to the
beach where we first met.
It was so cold and
lonely. No music and
though the moon and
stars were shinning
bright, there was no
heavenly body to hold
and caress. I sat and
stared out at the ocean
numb to any feelings or
my surroundings when I
felt a hand touch me. I
turned, looked and
there was Brenda. Not
the glowing lovely that
I first saw but a sad,
impaired beauty. I
started to rise but she
stopped me and sat down
beside me. "I am so sorry.
I really don't know how
to explain whats going
on. I did not intend for
you to call and have it
turn out this way." I
put my hand to her lips
to stop her explanation.
What I needed more at
this moment was to
embrace and kiss her.

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I remember my hands
touching and searching
her face. Beauty marred
by unloving hands, eyes
blinded by emptiness.
She did not have to
speak for me to realize
that my dream woman
had been overcome with
such unhappiness that
it took my breath away.
Again she spoke, "I
really do need to explain.
I just could not go on
without finding you to
make you understand.
The man who answered
my phone is my husband.
Now, please forgive me,
but we had separated
when I met you. Our
relationship was hell
and I left him months ago.
But now, he has found
where I live and wants
me to work things out."
"Brenda", I said, "Look at
you! You need to get
away. Please come with
me. I would never hurt
you. I will spend the rest
of my life protecting you.
Searching out new stars
for you to wish and
dream upon each day.

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She rose and started
walking away. By the time
I caught up with her, I
noticed she was crying.
I tried to reach out and
hold her but she pulled
away. Finally, she said
"Jerry, you don't understand
I would give anything to
dream amongst the stars
wtih you for eternity..but,
I know that I can't escape
this life I created for myself.
Its a situation binded by
inevitable fate. Jerry,
I just needed to come to
find you, explain, let you
know that night we met
was a once in a lifetime
experience that I shall
hold in my heart forever."
She continued to walk away.
I let her go. Oh, how I
hated doing it, but I watched
her walk out of my
sight and my life.

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These memories I will hold
in my heart forever. For
every star I see, I make
a wish. A wish that I will
never forget the moment
we met, the time we
shared, no matter how
short. To wish that my
beautiful dreamer will
forever be safe and hold
a special place inside of
her that keeps the memory
of me. Out there, I am
sure amongst the heavenly
bodies is a shinning star
created by our special
moment in time for all
dreamers to wish upon
throughout eternity.

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Experience the wonder of love
At least once in a lifetime
No matter the outcome
Memories will last an eternity
Every shinning star an example
Come take my hand and see.
"mcrep" 1999

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