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The Wedding

This was my special day, the one
I had been waiting for all
my life. To find and marry
the most wonderful guy in the
universe. I met Jeff two years ago
and on my birthday last year he
surprised me with an engagement
ring! I remember being so excited
I cried so hard I could hardly say
yes. Now the day has finally come!
The only dissapointing part is that
we will not have a honeymoon. At
least not just yet. It seems that Uncle
Sam has plans for him for the next
three months. As a United States
Marine, he is being called overseas
for a tour of duty but when he
returns, we plan two weeks of
heavenly bliss in Hawaii.

"Come on, Susan, finish getting
ready!" screams my sister Barbara.
"Jeff and Drew are beginning to
look a little anxious. Geesh, do
you want Jeff to think you are
having second thoughts?" I
started to laugh, "Barbara, he
knows better and well it's Drew's
job as best man to keep him pulled
together. Besides, I am not late,
so just calm down and help me with
my dress, ok?"

Before I knew it the music was
playing and there I was walking
down the aisle, arm in arm with my
father. Walking towards the love of
my life, the man I couldn't wait to
spend the rest of my life with. I
could feel the tears stinging my eyes
from the happiness I was feeling.
When he reached out and took my hand
I knew that at this moment I was the
luckiest person in the world.

The hardest thing I had ever done was
to say goodbye the following morning.
He held my hand and looked into
my eyes, "Susan, I love you. It really
hurts to have to go right now. Honey,
I don't know when I will be able to
call or write but know that I will be
thinking of you all the time. When I
come home I will hold and kiss you
like I never left." I fell against him
and held him so tight. I just didn't
want to let him go! "Jeff, I love you
so much. I will mark off each day
on the calendar till you return.
Please call or write as soon as you
can so I will know your ok." "I will."
he said. "Love you more, Sue"
and he was gone.

As promised, I marked off each day.
Of course he kept his promise and
called me every time he could
but it was not often and letters
were even fewer but I understood.
I knew how bad things were there.
Not that Jeff would ever tell me
but Drew, who was overseas with
him, was a little more honest.
One more month to go and Jeff
would come home. I began to call
and make all the plans for our
honeymoon. My heart and mind
were exploding with anticipation.
The doorbell rang and I could see
a Marine uniform. Oh my, it's Jeff.
He's come home early to surprise me!
I threw open the door and looked up
to see Drew. He took both my hands
and stared at me with empty eyes.
"Drew, what's wrong?"

The Wedding 2

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