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The Wedding

I'm here all alone wondering how
this could have happened. My whole
world has fallen apart. I can't focus
on anything. I only hear Drew's
words over and over again.

"Sue, sweetheart, please come sit
down." "Drew, what is wrong,
where is Jeff?" I did not want
to sit. I wanted answers but I
let him take me back inside the
house, constantly searching his
eyes for an answer. "Look Sue,
this is so hard for me but I wanted
to be the one to come and tell you.
Jeff's last mission, well they...
they didn't make it. I have
been told that none of them came
back alive." "NO, Drew, don't
say that! I know that he is alright,
PLEASE don't tell me this." He
reached and held my face and
put his hand to my lips, "It's true.

I don't know when they will ship
him back home to you since well..
they haven't found his body yet. A
couple of guys are still missing and.."
"STOP IT DREW! I don't want to
hear this anymore. GO AWAY!"
"Sue, please I know this is hard."
I slapped his face and screamed for
him to go again. I needed to be alone.

I just could not accept this. I still
can't. It has been weeks since
Drew told me and they still have
not found Jeff. I can't eat or sleep.
I am so weak and sick all the time.
My mother insists I see the doctor
so they can prescribe something
but really I don't need or want
anything the doctor can give me.
I need Jeff, the love of my life.
I want him here to hold and caress
me. To make me smile and bring
the sunshine back into my life.

"Sue", doctor Fisher says, "you need
to take care of yourself. I must insist
that you start eating and find some
way to pull yourself together,
because my dear, you are gonna
have a baby." "A baby? I couldn't
be. Really?" He smiled, "You sure
are. Now here take this prescription
for vitamins and please make an
appointment to come back and see
me in a month, ok?"

So, here I am all alone, well not really
alone. I am carrying Jeff's baby. A
legacy to the man I love. A baby that
will never know his father. Oh
please, won't someone help me. I
know that I should be happy but I
feel so lost and lonely.

The Wedding 3

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