Year 2001/2002
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Year 2001/2002

Where are we ??

George Washington Bridge, connecting New York & New Jersey Faneuil Hall, Boston. Washington Monument in Washington DC ~ CC calls it da qian bi, ie. big pencil in Mandarin.

New York City from top of Empire State I simply wanna step on the stone...see my sport shoe ?

MORE pics :
| MBA Graduation | | US2003 | | Nu Year | | Prior 2003 |
| Look Whose Turn | Hiking Thrill | Singapore Nov'02 | US 2002 |
| A Drive in Penang, my hometown | MBA IT Project Team |
| KMG Activity I | Langkawi Underwater World | Singapore Mac'02 |
| CNY 2002 | Bkt Tinggi | US 2001 | MBA nite | Where am I ?! |