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  • ****************************************************************
  • By Mrs. Gail A. Waterman, O.P.
  • ***********************************************************
    SUMMARY OF MOTHER OF GOD CHAPTER'S 50TH ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION Our Mother of God Chapter celebrated its 50th Anniversary this past weekend--beginning with a "Banquet Dinner" Saturday evening, October 13, 2001, surpassed only by the greater banquet celebration of the "Mass of Thanksgiving" the following day at the Dominican Nuns Monastery, West Springfield, Massachusetts, U.S.A.

    Our Chapter was blessed to have seated at the Banquet Head Table:

    Left to right: Most Reverend Ernest B. Boland, O.P., Most Reverend Thomas L. Dupre, Bishop of Springfield (Massachusetts)Diocese.

    Left to right: Reverend Christopher Connelly (Bishop Dupre's Master of Ceremonies), James Perkins (MC for banquet) and his wife, Andrea.

    Left to right: Reverend Jacob Restrick, O.P. (Mother of God Chapter's Spiritual Promoter), and Reverend Henry Gallagher, O.P. (Mother of God Chapter's first Spiritual Promoter)

    Left to right: Prioress Rose Marie Nathan, and Very Reverend Joseph P. Allen, O.P, Provincial Promoter of the Dominican Laity - St. Joseph Province,

    After dinner Prioress Rose Marie recognized and presented gifts to:
    Very Reverend Joseph P. Allen, O.P. for his 25 years of dedicated service to the the Dominican Laity.

    A 50 year anniversary pin was given to Prioress Emeritus Yvonne Hubert (1964-1967). Yvonne celebrated her 99th birthday the day before the banquet. She is accompanied by her daughter Sister Jeanne.

    Several other distinguished Chapter members were recognized for a specific number of years in the Order and were awarded anniversary pins.
    45 Years - Anne Tierney (PP 5/56)
    44 Years - Kay Murphy (PP 5/57)
    42 Years - John Lange (PP 5/59)
    40 Years - Rita Rose (PP 5/61)
    39 Years - Connie Champigny (PP 11/62)
    39 Years - Ann Roderick (PP 11/62)
    35 Years - Donald Parris (PP 7/66)
    Presentation of Anniversary Pins
    20 Years
    Mary Hickson (PP 5/81)
    Michelle Falcetti (PP 5/81)
    15 Years
    Barbara Kuras (PP 5/86)
    Flore Lagueux 5/86)
    Connie Pouliot (PP 5/86)
    Grace Hayden (PP 5/86
    10 Years
    Lucienne Anair (PP 5/91)
    Adrienne Fagnant (PP 5/91)
    James Perkins (PP 5/91)
    5 Years
    Mildred Cimino (PP 5/96
    Nelson Letendre (PP 5/96)
    June O’Donnell (PP 5/96)
    Maureen Walling (PP 5/96)

    Next in our program, our Keynote Speaker, Most Reverend Ernest B. Boland, O.P.
    Bishop Boland is a retired Dominican Missionary to Pakistan. He is presently serving as assistant to Most Reverend Louis E. Gelineau, D.D., Bishop of the Diocese of Providence, Rhode Island, U.S.A.
    Bishop Boland is also Bishop Emeritus of Multan, Pakistan. In light of current events (although he agreed to be our guest/keynote speaker months ago) Bishop Boland's talk regarding Pakistan was timely in light of September 11th. The following is a short bio on Bishop Boland life. He was born in Providence, R.I. After graduating from La Salle High School in Providence in 1943 he served in the U.S. Army going to France and Germany. After the war he joined the Dominicans and was professed in 1949. After ordination he was assigned to Aquinas High School as a teacher. Just at this time the Eastern Province was beginning a new mission in Pakistan and Bishop Boland volunteered. In September 1957, he and three other friars set out for Multan in Pakistan. There he labored as a missionary and in May 1966 he was appointed Bishop of Multan by Pope Paul VI. During his tenure as bishop, besides ministering to the people of the Diocese, he served as chair person of the National Catholic Urdu Literarture Commission and the National Catechetical Commission. After his retirement Bishop Boland reamined in Pakistan and continued his ministry there conducting retreats and serving the National Bishops' Conference until 1991 when he returned to the States. Since returning to the United States he served as chaplain to the Dominican Nuns in Guilford, Connecticut, and is now assistant to the Bishop of Providence, residing at the Dominican Priory of Providence College. Bishop Boland authored, "American Dominicans in Pakistan"

    (Published by Dominican Province of St. Joseph, New York, New York 1997. Vocations Office Address: Vocation Director, Dominican Province of st. Joseph, 869 Lexington Avenue, New York, NY 10021-6680. Telephone: (212)-744-2080 fax: (212) -327-3011

    The story gives a birds eye view of "our Dominican brothers and their heroic genrosity and adventure all for the love of God to preach His Word for the salvation of others. The Dominican women who joined them with equal strength, dynamic faith, and a brilliant charity, brought about miracles of grace in the most challenging of circumstances. The silent nuns from the cloister in Los Angeles who established a cloistered monastery in Karachi formed the backbone of the efforts made by all branches of the Order. The Lay Dominican volunteers contributed to the preaching of the Word with integrity. Indeed, all branches of the Order were essential to this preaching mission." (p.3) Bishop Boland handed out several booklets titled, "American Dominicans in Pakistan". This booklet is published by the "Dominican Province of St. Joseph, NY, NY 1997. (If you wish to learn more about "American Dominicans in Pakistan", the Dominican Vocation Office may have these booklets available for distribution (Vocation Director, Dominican Province of St. Joseph, 869 Lexington Avenue, New York, NY 10021-6680 or send an email to "Fr. Ken Sicard .O.P" .

    Next in the program, Roxanne Labato (Chapter member and professional entertainer/singer) sang "Dominican Memories" with such emotion her audience seemed spellbound. She composed the lyrics herself especially for this occasion. Chapter Nursing Home Choral Group, directed by Maguerite Surprenant (also our Formation Director) sang "I'd like to Teach the World to Sing, "Ave Marie", "I Believe, and "Dominique". The evening concluded with Benediction by our Chapter's Spiritual Promoter, Reverend Jacob Restrick, O.P. The evening was a MOST memorable event surpassed only by the greater banquet the next day--the

    Liturgy of the Eucharist was celebrated by Very Reverend Joseph P. Allen, O.P., concelebrants; Bishop Ernest Boland, O.P., and Reverend Jacob Restrick, O.P.

    Homily by Rev. Jacob Restrick, O.P.

    Prayer of the Faithful

    Upon the conclulsion of the Eucharistic Liturgy,
    Bishop Boland blessed the

    "Time Capsule" 16bbphoto.JPG

  • It seemed the "light rain" that fell upon us was a sign from God, Our Blessed Mother, St. Dominic, St. Catherine of Siena, and all our deceased Dominicans were showering us with an abundance of graces from heaven as

    we processed outside to the Shrine of Jesus, and Mary giving the Rosary Beads to St. Dominic


    And as we processedm toward the Shrine we sang the "Salve Regina" and Saint Dominic's Antiphon, "Light of the Church".

    The Time Capsule was buried next to the Shrine.

    A Rose of Sharon bush was planted next to the shrine to commemorate the site.

    This event was followed by a grand reception and social at St. Dominic's Hall where memorabilia and A Photo History of Our Chapter was displayed on several poster boards designed by Gail A. Waterman.

    A splendid and joyful end to the first fifty years.

    If you would like to learn more about Saint Dominic's Third Order;
    contact Gail A. Waterman, T.O.P.
    Send an email to: