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VERITAS (in English means TRUTH) is the motto of the Dominican Order of Preachers.

Explanation of the Coat of Arms of the Province of Saint Joseph (above the words "ERECTIO FRATERNITATIS): The perimeter of the shield in black and white designate the colors of the Dominican Order; the fleur-de-lis represents the concept of the crusader cross (11th centur) which was utilized by the Dominican order during the Inquisition (14th century) period; the blue field denotes the Blessed Virgin Mary; the white lillies highlight the virtues of Saint Joseph, the carpenter's square signifies his skill as a laborer.

A copy or facimile of the document establishing the Mother of God Chapter (in West Springfield, Massachusetts U.S.A.)reads:


Nos, Frater TERENTIUS S. MCDERMOTT, O.P. Prior Provincialis Provincis
SANCTI JOSEPH Sacri Ordinis Praedicatorum.
Inter principaliores Officii nostri partes esse erputamus ut magis in dies propagetur
et floreat Association Tertii Ordinis nostri, qua quidem privilegiis maximis ae
indulgentis aliisque gratiis apostolicis decorata est. Quapropter, piis votis et petitionibus annuens, in civitate (Monastery of the Mother of God, West Springfield, Massachusetts)
Dioceseos Campifontis Fraternitatem Tertii Ordinis auctoritate Apostolica ex privilegio nobis concessa, tenore praesentium et ad normam Canonis
689, accedente consensu Ordinarii Loci, instituimus. In nomine Patris et Filii et Spiritus Sancti. Amen.

Quibuscumque in contrarium non obstantibus. In quorum fidem has praesentes Litteras testimoniales, Sigillo nostro munitas, propria manu subscripsimus.
Datum Neo Eboraci die 22 mensis Januariia anni Domini 1951.

It behooves us (the Mother of God Chapter) to do something very special to honor all those who have gone before us and all those who will come after us. Hence, we begin out tribute.

Moderators (Prioress/Prior)Left to right:
1st Prioress Miss Mary Jo McInnis (3/6/52-3/55)
2nd Prioress Mrs. Stella Trench (4/55-4/58)
3rd Prioress Mrs. Edna Sullivan (1958-1961)
4th Prioress Mrs. Lillian Fitzgerald (1961-1964)
5th Prioress Mrs. Yvonne Hubert (1964-1967)
6th Prioress Mrs. Doris Lambert (1967-1970)
7th Prioress Jeanne Bail (1970-1973)
8th Prioress Margaret Lavigne (1973-1976)
9th Prioress Norma Moreau (1976-1985)
10th Prioress Catherine Murphy (1985-1988)
11th Acting Prioress Mrs Lucille Roy (1988-1989)
12th Prior Robert St. Onge (1989-1990)
13th Prioress Mrs. Rose Marie Nathan (1990-1996)
14th Prioress Mrs. Gail A. Waterman (1996-1999)
15th Prioress Mrs. Rose Marie Nathan (1999-to present)

1st Moderator/Prioress Miss Mary Jo McInnis (3/6/52-3/55)
2nd Moderator/Prioress Mrs. Stella Trench (4/55-4/58)
3rd Moderator/Prioress Mrs. Edna Sullivan (1958-1961)
9th Moderator/Prioress Mrs. Norma Moreau (1976-1985
10th Moderator/Prioress Mrs. Catherine Murphy (1985-1988
11th Acting Moderator/Prioress Lucille Roy (1988-1989)
12th Moderator/Prior Robert St. Onge (1989-1990)
13th & 15th Moderator/Prioress Mrs. Rose Marie Nathan (1990-1996)

Rose Marie Nathan has served as prioress 1990-1996 and 1999-202 She was receive in 1983, and made temporary profession the following year. She was elected to the council and served as secretary from 1985-1990, making perpetual profession in 1987. In addition to being a good wife for 40 years, she is mother and grandmother. She received both a Bachelor of Science in Biology, and Master of education from the Elms College, in Chicopee, Massachusetts. She retired from Western Massachusetts Hospital after 26 years in the Clinical Laboratory. She now serves as Eucharistic Minister and Pastoral Visitor at Springfield Municipal Hospital, as well as in her parish, Saint Thomas of the Apostle, West Springfield. She is also involved in the Diocesan Music Ministry, and sings with the "Maranantha Voices". She recently completed the basic program in Clinical Pastoral Education which is offered only to ordained clergy, theological students, religious, and qualified lay persons. Indeed we are blessed to have this lovely lady of great faith, dedication, and loyalty. (Chapter Newsletter - September 1992).

14th Moderator/Prioress Mrs. Gail A. Waterman (1996-1999)
Gail made final profession May 1985.
She served as CouncilSecretary ( ) and as secretary she was responsible for writing the Chapter Newsletter, and Recording Secretary on the Council responsible for recording the minutes of the Council meetings. By virture of her office as prioress she was also first delegate on the Regional Council. She also served as alternate delegate for Region 1 on the Provincial Council (1996-1999)
She also served on the committee to write/compose the "Region I , New Englaand Region Handbook--A Companion to the Saint Joseph province rule and Diectory. Highlights: Communion Breakfast to raise money for the Angelicum. A forerunner on the internet as moderator of the "Dominican Family G.E.M. (Global Electronic Magazine) publishing the first issue 7/15/95. and "Dominican Family Grapevine (a bulletin board for the Dominican Family) Director of Formation circa1984. Co-founder of the Dominican Laity Russian Apostolate During her tenure as prioress with cooperation from the Dominican Nuns she introduced the idea to have a Eucharistic Vigil on New Year's Eve to welcome the new Millennium at the Dominican Nuns monastery. And with the help of Chapter members raised half the cost for the construction of a ramp for the handicapp at the Dominican Nuns monastery. She is the Treasurer and Chairperson of the Dominican Laity Building Fund. She is also Co-chair of the 50th Anniversary planning committee.

The torches represents the passing of leadership responsibilities from one to another to keep the flame burning, to be a light shining in a world of darkness, and to ignite the world with the fire of His love.