DiS pAgE iS jUsT LiKe tHe gUyS eXcEpT iT's aLL bOuT dA gUrLs!


1. Usually seen at the mall and at the poolhall, usually giving dirty looks at other asian girls. Inside a crowded Civic with other gangster girls and anywhere the gangster asian is.
2. Usually wearing tight shirts, spaghetti strap blouses, or baggy jeans.
3. Loves to wear black lipstick and 10-inch heels. 4. When wearing baggy blue jeans, she will wear a Nike warm-up jacket.
5. Another Pochacco, Keroppi, Sanrio nut.
6. Of course, she has dyed-blond hair and REALLY black roots!
7. Believes she's a Sailor-Scout of Sailor Moon.
8. A tenth degree black-belt in the art of backstab. 9. Talks big, but no action.
10. Is extremely good at talking behind backs, only will talk shit about you when you're beyond a 20-mile radius.
11. Has a protruding mouth, like a monkey.
12. Whenever she wants to look attractive and goes over the edge by wearing skirts up to her stomach.
13. Girls hang with her because she will fight for them. Guys hang with her because they want to get her in bed and she'll fight for them.


1. Usually seen at the mall, at the poolhall, at the casino (not gambling but sitting next to boyfriend, staring at his money and his chips), at the youth group meetings (usually the leader), at the Karaoke bar and inside boyfriend's expensive car.
2. Usually wears tight skirts, bellbottom pants (the ones in which they cannot see their feet), high heels or 10-inch platforms (which they have no idea how to walk on, they always look off-balance while walking).
3. She must wear her skanky outfits everywhere they go.
4. You can hear the clogging' of her platform heels from a mile away.
5. Always showing off her cell phone... always pretending she's talking to her rich boyfriend!
6. Of course, she has dyed-blond hair.
7. Another Pochaco, Keroppi, Sanrio freak.
8. Another tenth-degree black belt in the art of backstab.
9. Plucks her eyebrows, and her eyebrows are just one line!
10. She is the ultimate snob ... mastered the art of walking with her nose up.
11. Believes she is "all that..." and enjoys ignoring other guys.
12. Never smiles, because she has ugly ass teeth. What a grill!!
13. Has a new pair of shoes every week.
14. Girls hang with her because she makes them look good and they like to borrow clothes from her. Guys hang with because they want to get her in bed and use her as their car accessory.


1. Usually seen in the study hall or under house-arrest by her parents.
2. Usually wears thick eyeglasses, long sundresses, pennyloafers,or sandals.
3. Are completely male-phobic. 4. Sometimes shy, but really anti-social.
5. Another Sanrio, Keroppi, Pochacco nut ... but she talks to her dolls because she has no social life.
6. When approached by a male, she always says, "I con't tok to you rite naow!"
7. Has no social skills whatsoever.
8. Is the master cheat sheet on all tests.
9. Talks too loud in her native language.
10. Girls hang with her so they can cheat off her for tests and she has a nice car. Guys hang with because they also like to cheat off her on tests and they think they can get a date with her.


1. Usually seen at the beach playing volleyball, with her non-asian friends at Disneyland, or in her white boyfriend's BMW.
2. Usually wears volleyball shorts, Mickey Mouse, college or sorority sweatshirt.
3. Does not know one word of her native language.
4. Always lies that she's half asian or a mut... always says she part Irish or German.
5. Has infused into her mind that she is not asian or just part-asian.
6. Does not want anything to do with anything asian (guys, girls, customs).
7. She must date a white person, no matter their background.
8. Loves the fact that she is different and loves to show off about it.
9. Girls hate her because she does not like hanging with them.
10. Guys think they can get a date from, but they learn soon to stay away from her.


1. Usually seen in any the middle of any crowd of guys or with her homegirls scopin a crowd of guys at the mall or poolhall.
2. Usually wears white tanktop with a plaid overshirt with flares and superbells on occasion. She has to look cute.
3. Loves the thrill of having more than one boyfriend at a time so she can play "The Game"
4. Has guys paging her every minute ending with 143-637-823-247, cell phone rings off the hook, and her voicemail box is full of guys messages asking where she's been all day.
5. Even though she has all those guys... friends still come first.
6. Won't ever backstab her friend. Her clique is so close they practically family.
7. Always has plans. Her planner is so packed she doesn't have the time to dial in the numbers on her cell... that's what speed dials for!
8. Doesn't know the meaning of "heartbreak."
9. Talks in a high pitch voice when on the phone with a guy... but doesn't realize it.
10. Girls hang around her cuz she's their sis. Guys hang around her cuz she's fine.
