
Bunch of poems from a bunch of places. Sorry we don't remember all of our sources. If sumthing is yours and you dont want it up, please email me.

i know u think im cute
i know u think im fine
but like the rest of the guyz
...take a number and wait in line...


So sexy, almost evil
Talkin' about butterflies in my head
I used to think that happy endings
were only in the books I read
But you made me feel alive
when I was almost dead


With 1 smile he took my breath away
With 1 kiss he stole my heart
With 3 words he became my world
With 1 word he made me fade
Do you know what he said?


if i was a butterfly would u set me free
if i sold my soul would u buy it back 4 me
if i was in terror would u hold me tight
if i did sumtin wrong would u make it right
if i build a fire would u guard da flames
if i said i love u would u say da same


When I saw you, I met you.
When I met you,I liked you.
When I liked you, I loved you.
When I loved you, I lost you.
When I lost you, I died.
When I died,you realized you loved me too.


Love is patient, love is kind.
Love makes stars and lovers blind.
Love is endless, love is true.
Love explains how I found you.

One day you`ll love me like I loved you,
One day you`ll need me like I needed you,
One day you`ll care for me like I cared for you,
One day you`ll want me and it'll be too late..


Dance as if no one were watching;
sing as if no one were listening;
and live everyday as if it were your last.


A cute boy can open my eyes,
a smart boy can open my mind,
but a sweet boy can open my heart...


Wen i first saw u
i was afraid to meet u
Wen i first met u
i was afraid to hold u
Wen i first held u
i was afraid to kiss u
Wen i first kissed u
i was afraid to luv u
now that i luv u
im afraid to lose u


Love doesn't ask "why?" for it is a reason itself...
Love doesn't ask "what if?" for it is willing to risk all...
Love doesn't ask "until when?" for it knows only forever...


Work like you don't need the money.
Love like you've never been hurt.
Dance like nobody's watching.
Sing like nobody's listening.
Live like it's Heaven on Earth.


Your smallest smile made my heart throb wit joy..thats likin,
U even luved me wen i was feelin miserable..thats luvin,
U r da onli 1 i need bcuz i dun want any other luv..thats needin


I want to tell u sumthing but im not sure i should
I dont want to change anything but these words just could
Once i say them I cant take them back
Once they have left my mouth
Could they lead us off track?
I want you to kno how much u mean to me
Once these words are out then you'll see
I've said it before and so have u
But i realli want u to kno that i realli luv u


Roses are red Violets are blue I'm in love But not with you.
When we broke up You thought I cried, But all it was was another guy
You told your friends I was a trick.I told mine you had a weak dick.
I said I loved you,And you thought it was true.
Well, guess what playa? You got played too.


If I had never met you, I wouldn't like you.
If I didn't like you, I wouldn't love you.
If I didn't love you, I wouldn't miss you.
But I did, I do, and I will forever.


I cant leave you but i know you cant stay
i never thought our love could end up this way
and i cant imagine livin life without you now
how could this happen that youre lovin me down
never thought id feel so much hurt inside
so much to even let down my pride
and i know its ova now so help me out


Rememba the first day wen i saw ur face
Rememba the first day wen u smiled at me
U stepped to me and u said to me
I was the girl u dreamed about
Rememba the first day u called my house
Rememba the first day wen u took me out
We both had a beautiful night
The way we held each others hand
I knew right then and there u were the one
I kno that he luvs me cuz he told me so
I kno that he luvs me cuz his feelings show
Wen he stares at me u kno that he cares for me
I kno that he luvs me cuz its obvious
I kno that he luvs me cuz its me he trusts
And he's missin me if hes not kissin me
And wen he looks at me his brown eyes tells his soul


If you're askin if i need u the answer is 4eva
If you're askin if i'll leave u the answer is neva
If you're askin wat i value the answer is u
If you're askin if i luv u the answer is i do


I've never loved before
The way that i love you
I've never wanted more
Then the way i wanted you
I've never smiled before
Till the time i looked in your eyes
I've never felt pain before
Till the day you said "GOOD-BYE"


A kiss is just a kiss
til u find the one you love
A hug is just a hug
til its the one you're thinking of
A dream is just a dream
til you make it come true
Love is just a word
til it's proven to you


Nobody knows the pain I feel
Because my feelings are for real
The promises of hearts you gave
Went away in a single day

The pain within my heart and soul
Will be with me cause no one knows
The calls of your name in the bells
Are heard by me from hills to hills

Nobody knows what I go through
For it leaves me stuck in the blue
No one sees the courage in me
That makes me who I want to be

Nobody knows my pain inside
Nobody knows why I will hide


a heart broken
a heart is not an instrument.
a heart is not a toy.
but if u want it broken just give it to a boy.
he`ll say that he loves you
and it will always be true.
if he finds another
he`ll say the hell with you.
i gave my heart to a boy,
he broke it like a glass.
and if someday
he asks it back,
i`ll say "darling KISS MY ASS!


I miss the way a guy will come to hold me when I am sad...or warms me when I am cold....It's not everyday I get to feel the comfort of their arm around me....or get to feel that tingly feeling when they kiss me...I miss the way they would say the most sweetest things...I miss everything a guy does to make me feel I am the most special gurl in his life.....YET....at the same time...I hate the way they always act shady...I hate the way they never spend that much time with me but more wid their homeboiz...I hate the way they look at another gurl...I hate the way they never listen to me....I hate the way they always make me cry....most of all...I hate the way they always take my heart and juss stomp it to the ground like it was nothing to begin with....


If love was a bird
Then we wouldn't have wings
If love was a sky
We'd be blue
If love was a choir
You and I could never sing
Cause love isn't for me and you
If love was an Oscar
You and I could never win
Cause we can never act out our parts
If love is the Bible
Then we are lost in sin
Because its not in our hearts
If love was a fire
Then we have lost the spark
Left with no one to hold
If love was a sport
We're not on the same team
You and I are destined to lose
If love was an ocean
Then we are just a stream
Cause love isn't for me and you
So why don't you go your way
And I'll go mine
Live your life, and I'll live mine
Baby you'll do well, and I'll be fine
Cause we're better off, separated


i wish i may
i wish i mite
have the luv i wish 2nite
to c the stars and think of u
and wonder if my wish would come tru
a simple wish is all i as
for a simple guy like u w/ a simple task
to make me happy
to make it last
to take it slow
and not to fast
to take care of me thru thick and thin
to lift me up wen i dont win
sumone so huggable and luvable like u
cuz all i am is a grl who's heart is true
so i wish i may
i wish i mite
have u in my arms tonight.....


I love you with all my heart
I wanted to tell you from the start
But when you were walking away
I felt like I was falling apart
I will never get you mad
My love for you is real
Im jus showing you how much I feel
True love is so hard to find
Ill do any thing for you
Becuase my love for you is true
What im trying to say is I love you with all my heart
I want you in my life forever
I am afraid your love will fade away


The reason y I luv u, its because my heart believes n u. I never had someone touch my heart as much as u touch mines. I want u to b mines, but I don't know if dat will ever be tru. U may think dat I'm not going to last wif u. May even think that I will leave you. BabY ur the only who complete this empty place in my heart. When, I think of u, a smile comes upon my face. Dat smile, keeps me going for a long time. And I do wish dat I can just have u n my arms, but for now I have to keep wishin. Know dat I do luv u. For all the reasons being ish because u touch my heart and make me feel so loved. I thank you. Ish our love, and somehow I know that it's growing everyday...........and it will last forever


i like you because of who you are to me
i hate you because of what you did to me
i miss you because you love her, not me
i love you and that's how it will always be


I love the way u smile for me.
And the way ur brown eyes shine.
I love the way u take your hand.
And place it next to mine.
I love the way u talk to me
As if i'm the only one there.
I love the way you seem so concerned
And how u really care.
I love the way you whisper softly
So only I can hear.
I love the way u get so nervous
Whenever I am near.
I love the way u get
When the right words don't come to mind.
I love the sweet things u do for me
And how u can be so kind.
I love how cute it is
When u say something stupid.
I love so much about u, hunnie
That it seems we've been struck by cupid
It shocks me how in a world so big,
That I've already found u.
I just wanted u to know
That with all my heart, I Love You!


If one day you feel like crying call me. i dont promise you that i will make you laugh but i can cry, If one day you want to run away dont be afraid to call me i dont promise to ask you to stop but i can run with you with you, If one day you dont want to listen to anybody; call me and i promise to be very quiet, BUT IF ONE DAY YOU CALL AND THERE IS NO ANSWER..COME FAST TO SEE ME PERHAPS I NEED YOU


I wish i didnt luv u
I wish i didnt care
I wish i didnt live my life
Wishin u were there
I wish i didnt cry all the time
Just becuz of u
But baby i cant help being
So in luv w/ u...


All i can do is site here, alone..
Wishing for sumone to luv
Sumone to hold
Sumone to think of..
wishin for sumone to luv me bak
Sumone who's thinkin of me..
Im too scared to go out there
And search for that sumone
To scared of gettin hurt, again..
SAo i'll just sit here
Alone in my room..
And wish upon the stars
That sumday
My tru luv will find his way
Into my arms...in my heart...


i kno ur sorry, i kno u care
but wat u did was beyond cruel
sry doesnt make my pain go away
sry cant replace the tears i've cried
tellin me u care isnt the same as knowin u do
sry cant make me believe wat ur tellin me
how do i kno u wont hurt me again?
sry wont bring me the happiness i want
sry doesnt make everything rite...
it's onli a word askin me to forget it happened


It takes a trillion tiny snowflakes
To make a blanket of snow
It takes a million of tiny stars
To light up the darkest skies
But it takes one simple kiss
to make me fall for u


If only I could tell you,
the way I really feel
Then maybe you will understand,
my LOVE for you is real....
Although I might not have the courage, to tell you that it`s true,
But deep in my heart,
I know that I LOVE YOU.....
If you can read my mind, then I won`t have to explain.....
But I know you can`t do that, so all I feel is pain.....
One day I will tell you, how much I really care.....
But until the day finally arrives, you still won`t know I`m there...


If I had never met you, I wouldn't like you.
If I didn't like you, I wouldn't love you.
But I did and all i got was
A broken heart in return


lying in my bed
alone and feeling dead
wishing you were here
your sweet voice i could hear.

I miss your face
I miss your loving ways
I miss the way you hold me tight
I wish you were here with me tonight

wondering where you are right now
hoping that i could see you somehow
it seems that your so far away
I couldn'y reach you in any way

I looked up and saw the stars twinkling
all i can picture is your face smiling
your warm eyes staring down at me
reminding me that there are more to see

I tossed and turned in my bed
Hoping that I'm with you instead
sharing stories and having fun
those are things i wish to be done

Whatever i do...
i'm still thinking of you
you're driving me nuts, there's nothing i can do,
but to accept the fact that I MISS YOU!


For every heart that finds love,
There is a heart that cries.
For every dream that is born,
There is a dream that dies.
For every day that`s filled with sun,
There is a day of rain.
For every hour filled with joy,
There is an hour of pain.
For every smile upon a face,
There is a tear to cry.
For every fond "hello" you say,
There is a sad goodbye.
For every new life in this world,
There is a grave to see.
For every heart that opens wide,
There is one without a key...
And thats your heart I can`t have,
Which really hurts me...


I have two eyes to see you
I have two ears to hear you
I have two lips to kiss you
But only one heart to love you


You pissed me off
You made me mad
You made me cry
You made me sad
You lied to me
You made me hurt
You made me see
That you're a total jerk!


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