Buncha quotes from a bunch of places.

  • *Luv is like playin the piano. First u must learn to play by the rules, then u must forget the rules and play from ur heart.*

  • *Dont say u luv me unless u really mean it, becuz i mite do sumthing krazy like believe it*

  • *If u luv me like u told me, please be careful with my heart. U can take it, just don't break it, or my world will fall apart*

  • *Our eyes are placed in front of our head becuz its more important to look ahead then to look back*

  • *Remember my name, remember my face, cuz there ain't no other hunnie that can take my place*

  • *I'm sweet like sugar, soft like suade, but unlike nintendo i never get played*

  • *Luv isn't about finding the perfect person...It's about seeing an imperfect person perfectly!*

  • *Why is it when u like someone, they never seem to be interested in u and when u happen to just get over them, they start to feel the way u USED to feel?*

  • *Why do people always mess w/ my mind?? always confusing me and making me have mixed emotions about all this fucking shit!*

  • *Learn from yesterday, Live for today, Dream of tomorrow*

  • *There comes a time when we have to stop lovin someone. Not becuz that person has stopped lovin u, but because u have found that they'd be happier if u let go!*

  • *If i had a wish for everytime u made me smile, then all my wishes would be endless..*

  • *I can't miss you, until you go away...*

  • *To luv is to risk not being loved in return. To hope is to risk pain. To try is to risk failure, but risks must be taken, because the greatest hazard in life is to risk nothing*

  • *You can let a fool kiss u but don't let a kiss fool u.*

  • *I don't know whether to smile cause he's my friend or cry because that is all he is.*

  • *Nothing is more painful in life than knowin someone means everything to u and u mean nothing to them..*

  • *Real loss is only possible when u luv something more than u luv urself.*

  • *Jump into a volcano and u will become a precious stone like a diamond. But jump into my arms and u will be more precious than a diamond to me.*

  • *You can fall from a mountain, u can fall from a tree, but the best way to fall is in luv w/ me.*

  • *The moment I saw u I knew that my heart would be urs and until ur ready to accept it I will be holding my breath.*

  • *If I had a rose for every time I thought of u, I'd be walkin through my garden forever.*

  • *If i stop carin'...will my tearz go away?*

  • *The hardest thing to do is watch the one u luv, luv sumbody else.*

  • *If i stop caring' so much, will things be the same as they are now or will all my pain and worries just go away?*

  • *The best dreams happen when u're awake.*

  • *If i stop carin so much, would all of my pain just go away?*

  • *Luv is only a word until u find sumone to give it a definition.*

  • *No one can tell anyone what luv is; u'll know it when u feel nothin else.*

  • *Happy are those who dream dreams and are willin to pay the price to see them come tru.*

  • *Who do u turn to when the only person in the world who can stop u from cryin', is the exact person making you cry*

  • *A sad thing in life is when u meet sumone who means a lot to u, only to find out in the end that it was never meant to be and u just have to let go*

  • *It's true that we don't know what we've got until we lose it, but it's also true that we don't know what we've been missing until it arrives*

  • *Never stop dreamin', for out of such fragile things come miracles.*

  • *Don't say u luv sumbody and then change ur mind...luv isn't like pickin' wat movie u want to watch.*

  • *People may not remember exactly wat u did or wat u said, but they will always remember how u made them feel.*

  • *Meetin' u was fate, becomin' ur friend was a choice, but fallin' in luv w/ u was beyond my control*

  • *Frienz are like starz, u don't always see them but they r always there*

  • *Tru frienz, like diamonds, are precious and rare. False frienz, like autumn leaves, are found everywhere*

  • *It takes a minute to kno sumone, a hour to like sumone, a day to luv sumone but a lifetime to forget sumone*

  • *No man is worth ur tears, and the only one who is will never make you cry*

  • *Don't frown becuz sumone might be in love w/ ur smile..*

  • *To the world u may be one person, but to 1 person u may be the world*

  • *True love is like ghosts, which everybody talks about and few have seen.*

  • *If I could reach up and hold a star for every time u've made me smile, the entire evening sky would be in the palm of my hand.*

  • *When one door of happiness closes, another opens; but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one which has been opened for us.*

  • *I'd rather be a fool with a broken heart, than be sumone who never had a part of u.*

  • *I wrote ur name in the sand, but the waves washed it away. I wrote ur name in my heart, and forever it will stay.*

  • *If, I could pick one moment and keep it shining, always new, of all the days that I have lived, I'd pick the moment I met u.*

  • *A friend is sumone who knows the song in ur heart and can sing it back to u wen u have forgotten the words.*

  • *It's what u do unthinkin', that makes the quick tear start. The tear may be forgotten but the hurt stays in the heart.*

  • *You know it's luv wen you can't fall asleep because reality is better than ur dreams.*

  • *One must learn to luv and go through a good deal of suffering to get to it..and the journey is alwayz towards the other soul.*

  • *Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift..*

  • *To luv is to place ur happiness in the happiness of another.*

  • *Mean wat u say...mean wat u do...'cuz it could all come bak 2 u*

  • *If luv is so hard 2 find, why cant love show me the way?*

  • *Luv can tear ur heart in 2, wen u luv sum1 hu doesnt luv u*

  • *Hope sees da invisible, feels da intangible n achieves da impossible*

  • *We all take different paths in life, but no matter where we go, we take a lito of each other everywhere.*

  • *Peepo come into ur life 4 a reason a season or a lifetime. wen u figure out which it is, u'll kno exactly wat 2 do*

  • *Luv is like a drug, something that feels good at the time, but ends up hurtin or changin ur Life in the end.*

  • *It's hard to tell sumone u stop luving them.. wen ur heart still does..*

  • *Sumtimes i wonder if life is worth livin'...but then i see your smile and i kno that it is*

  • *Everyone says u only fall in luv once but thats not tru. Everytime i see u i fall in love all over again*

  • *Don't be afraid to tell sumone u luv them. If u do, they might break ur heart ...but if u don't, u might break theirs.*

  • *When it hurts to look back, and you're scared to look ahead, u can look beside u and ur best friend will be there*

  • *U dont kno wat love is til it breaks ur heart*

  • *Guys are like stars. There are millions of them but onli one can make ur dreams come tru*

  • *Dont go for looks, they can deceive. Dont go for wealth even that fades away. Go for sumone hu can make u smile becuz it onli takes a smile to make a dark day bright*

  • *Don't fall in luv with someone you can live with, fall in luv with someone you can't live without*

  • *You can tell that u like someone, cause u keep on thinking about that person*

  • *Luv isn't guaranteed unless u say it not only on your lips, but in ur soul completely*

  • *Never say I luv u if u don't care... Never talk about feelings if they're not there... Never touch a life if you mean to break a heart*

  • *Telling someone how u feel doesn't hurt as much as not saying anything at all to that someone who is deeply in-love with u*

  • *I don't love someone because of their clothes, or how much money they have. I love someone for who they are*

  • *I don't want to see the sunrise if I cant see it with u.. I just know that there won't be any joy in anything I do*

  • *Don't go out looking for luv...if it was meant to be, it will come to u*

  • *If I knew that lovin' u is a dream, then I will never wake up*

  • *Many people have caught my eye, but only one has caught my heart*

  • *The right man thinks with his heart and not with his mind*

  • *If i tell u I luv u, then can i keep u forever?*

  • *Sumwhere there's sum1 who dreams of ur smile, n finds in ur presence dat life is worth while, so when u r lonely, memeba it's tru..sumbodie, sumwhere is thinkin of u...*

  • *I can bring u joy or I can bring u sorrow, Fuck wit me n u WONT c tomorow...*

  • *Y waste ur time luvin sum1 if they dont think 4 a sec on luvin' u back??? Should I be sad or happy? sad becuz I lost him? or happy becuz he came into my life??*

  • *Luv iz never true until u say i luv u, i luv u is never true unless u really mean it too.*

  • *Luv beginz w/ a smile, Developz w/ a kiss, N endz w/ a tear..*

  • *Frienz r like starz they come n go, but the ones that stay r the ones that glow..*

  • *If luv is not a game, why are there so many playaz?*

  • *Boyfriends come & go but best friends will always stay*

  • *It is better to be hated for wat u are, Than u be loved for wat u are not*

  • *To let a fool kiss u is stupid, To let a kiss fool u is worse*

  • *Tru luv doesn`t have a happy ending. Tru luv doesn`t have an ending*

  • *If there was just one wish, That i could be granted here tonight, It would be to have to u right back by my side..*

  • *A million words would not bring u back, i know because i've tried, neither would a million tears, i kno, because i've cried*

  • *Jus cuz sum 1 doesn't luv u the way u want them 2, doesn't mean they don't luv u w/ all they have.*

  • *It hurts to luv sumone and not be luved in return...but wat is the most painful is to luv sumone and neva findin' the courage to let the person kno how u feel*

  • *What's better..a lie that draws a smile or the truth that draws a tear?*

  • *U alwayz luv the one hu hurts u, and u always leave the one hu luvs u*

  • *Missin' u can turn pain into pleasure if i knew that u were missin' me too*

  • *Gurls r 4eva, guys r wateva wen worst comes 2 worst my gurliez come first*

  • *Friendship is just a word but my gurlz give it a meaning*

  • *Take my troubles away, and I'll love you forever.*

  • *You know ur in love when all you want is for someone to be happy, even if it means not being part of their happiness*

  • *Sometimes u just want to sleep forever and be in your dream because u know reality is cruel*

  • *Boys r playas thats a fact, never fall in luv just play them back!*

  • *I kno ur games I played dem too; But how it ends Its up 2 u..*

  • *There is someone I like so much, believe me I do; I just hope that one day, He would feel the same too...*

  • *To love sum1 is nuttin; To b loved by sum1 is sumthing; To b loved by sum1 that u luv bak is everything...*

  • *I was born da dai u kiss me; I died da dai u left me; But i lived da daiz u loved me..*

  • *Dun b 2 good..i will miss u; dun b 2 carin..i mite like u; dun b 2 swt..i mite fall 4 u..*

  • *To be luved is to give luv, to give luv is to kno luv, to kno luv is to feel luv, to feel luv is to cry luv. Once the tears fall from ur eyes, u kno ur in luv*

  • *Luv isn't real and true If u hurt them or If they hurt you...*

  • *Trust is like a mirror, once it's broken it can never be fixed.*

  • *Change the things you can, forget about the things you can't*

  • *I dropped a tear in the ocean, the day it's found is the day i stop luvin u*

  • *There r somethings that we never want 2 let go of -- people we never want 2 leave behind, but keep in mind that letting go is not the end of the world, but rather a begining of a new life*

  • *Im not a bad girl. Im a good girl who neva gets caught!*

  • *Anyone can catch ur eyes, but it takes someone special to catch ur heart*

  • *When someone says I Luv U, would you believe them or not? But when someone special says i love you, would you take their word for it and follow your heart?*

  • *Nothing is more painful than realizing he meant everything 2 u and u meant nothin' 2 him*

  • *The spaces between our fingers were created So that anotha person's fingers can fill them in*

  • *Be careful of whom u give ur heart to becuz when u give ur heart to sumone u just gave that person the power to hurt u*

  • *If u luv me...let me know, if u dont...let me go..*

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