Guys and the meaning of their names. Some are tru and the rest are just plain funny.

Wat Guys Names Mean

Aaron's- have an awesome name but can sometimes be dorky
Adam's- are full of themselves
Alex's- are cute and short but very shy
Andy's- bad hair..think they're koo wen they're not
Andrew's- Two faced and consided
Ben's- are funny and smart
Bob's- are quite and unpopular
Brad's- popular football jocks
Brandon's- are good looking but use girls
Brendan's- are quite and sweet
Brett's- could be hot or just plain ugly
Brian's- are mean and only think of themselves
Bryan's- are sexy but stupid
Cameron's- think their funny...their not
Chad's- are cute and studly but think to much of themselves
Chris's- have great bodys and lots of different friends
Clark's- are hilarious and always in trouble
Cory's- are funny but ugly
Craig's- try to fit in
Dan's- are quite but funny
Danny's- are loud and funny
David's- hotties and work out alot
Derek's- have great mommies
Dominic's- are hilarious and will do anything
Don's- fat
Doug's- have greasy faces
Drew's- are bad ass losers
Eddie's- big jerks
Erik's- are funny and treat girls how they want to be treated and dress good
Evan's- are a little slow but sweet, sexy, and every other good thing in this forward
Frank's- are obsessed with their "extra large italian sausage" lol
Gary's- are drug addicts
Greg's- are really sweet and feel sorry for themselves when they shouldn't
Ian's- really popular but think all the girls want them
Jack's-stupid but hot
James- kind and always laughing
Jake's- are whiteboys that need a race check
Jason's- sweet
Jeff's- are really cute
Jerehme's-are FAGS, FAGS, FAGS
Jeremy's- are loud and think their all that
Jermaine's- are ugly and make girls puke
Jesse's- are popular and need to move on
Jimmy's- are sweet but users
Joe's- have no friends or lives
John's- think girls like them
Jordan's- are sexy but wierd in a good way
Jose's- are hot chulos
Junior's- are hotties and totally good at football
Justin's- annoying but loveable
Kenny's- short and kute and thinks every1 likes him
Kevin's- cool people, popular
Keith's- are good people to talk to when you have a problem
Kurt's- can kick anyone's ass
Kyle's- are hornball playas
Larry's- are cute but wannabe players with big asses
Lorenzo's- are fine and dress good
Luke's- seem to be sweet
Mark's- always have girlfriends
Matt's- the perfect guy, sweet and good looking
Mike's- are very good looking but they'll do anything for a girl friend
Nathan's- smart and cute
Nick's- very HOT
Pete's- very shy
Rob's- tall and dress really good
Rodney's- sexy and sweet but tall
Ross's- total losers and computer geeks
Ryan's- short but sexy body's
Sam's- are wannabe sex machines
Scott's- have serios disabilities
Sean's- are funny...looking
Steve's- are popular and funny
Thomas's- nice and do anything they can tah help u out
Tim's- are hot but a bit wierd
Tommy's - obsessive Travis's- are fat and ugly
Trevor's- are sweet and funny but sometimes untrustworthy
Taylors- think highly of themselves
Will's- wish they were popular
Zach's- sweet and polite and adorable
