Daily Writin'

Thursday, February 28th, 2002:
Wassup? I kno I haven't blogged in the longest time! Recap..Tuesday my history paper was due. Mines sucked and it's worth 3 test grades. Latin project was due on Wednesday and mines looked retarded. Oh wellz. I dunno wat else to say..actually I kant say much cuz I'm reallie tied up but I will have a longer blog 2moro!
Rose talked nonsense @ 9:32

Monday, February 25th, 2002:
It's my birthday todays! I'm 15 but I dun feel like i'm 15. I'm getting old. LOL. It was a pretty good day today. Everyone was nice to me. Well almost everyone. Hm..I dunno wat to blog about. LOL. I have nothing interesting to say to I'm gonna go do sumthing now..I'll blog later..I feel like I forgot something...
Rose talked nonsense @ 8:21

Sunday, February 24th, 2002:
OMG! Today was like da best day of my life! I haven't had soo much fun in da longest time ever! First I hafta recap. Friday, Trammie was at my house agains. She needed help with her science fair project poster. I did most of it for her. I hope she likes it! Then that nite my mommy, Bac Hai, my sis and I played cards. We started around 8-9. I lost like 5 bucks then I went online to play neopets with my lito brother and my dad took my place. Then around 12 I went bak out to play cards. My dad had lost like 7 bucks by then. Me and him ended losing like 13 dollars or sumthing. Oh wells. We stopped playing at 1. Then I went to sleep and got up at 8:30 yesterday morning. I showered and my mom took me downtown. I bought this white shirt and a baby blue one. Then I went home and played on neopets and my mom's friend's daughter. My mom and her mom are almost like sisters so I think of her as a Lil cousin but not blood cousins. Anyways I hung wit da lito grl cuz I luv her so much. My mom went thru my closet and found my old dresses from a couple yrs back and gave them to Anna and shes in love with them. I stayed up to 12 yesterday. I woke upnear 9. I showered and got ready to go out with my friends. I went with Nica, my sister, Trammie, and Nhi. I would've invited more peepo but it was kinda a late last minute thing cuz my dad had to OK it. I'm sorry if i didn't invite u. I wanted too. Anyways we went tah ELT and took pictures. Nica and Nhi are gonna scan them. We made Nhi our godsister todays too and filled her in on some stuff. Then we went downtown to take booth pics with Nhi. She's gonna scan those. Then Nica had to leave. So Nhi and Trammie wanted to go buy a visor. Trammie ended up buying me one even tho I didn't reallie want one. She's forcing us. LOL. It's a godsistaz/angelz thing. Oh yeah, I forgot somethng. Before Nica left we went to Claire's and we bought 'Like Sisters' keychains! It's da cutest thing. Then we went to this restaurant to buy smoothie like drinks. It was yummy. Then we went home. I got alotta nice gifts this year. Tina gave me a Lovely white note thingy. I love it. Now i kan write to alla my friends. Trammie bought me a frame and da visor. Thanks! I luv 'em. Nhi bought me a Lovely White notebook and a 12 pack gel pens. Thanks hunny! Linda got me a blue bear frame thing. It's so cute. Nica got me an angel shirt.My mom got me a whole baby blue outfit. My dad gave me 40 bucks. My brother got me a jewelry box thing. Hm..did I forget ne1? LOL. Trammie guess wat? I bought da strawberry lipgloss thingy! LOL. Overall it was a great day. Thank you guys for makin this such a wonderful day. I luv you guys!
Rose talked nonsense @ 6:44

Thursday, February 21st, 2002:
Guess what?! I actually got something finished today! I finished my history report. It was 4 pages long! I made da dome thingy for my latin. I ran outta tape so I couldn't do the front so my sister is gonna go buy that 2moro and we're gonna do the front. Then sunday, I'm gonna go tah pearl and find the stone spray paint and I'm gonna spray paint it and let it dry and then I'm gonna bring it in on Wednesday and then I'm done with latin projects til next year. I'm so proud of myself. LOL. Well today was just a boring day toos. I woke up at 7:30 and since it was early, I went back to sleep til 8:45 then I showered and went online and checked my dailies. Then I did more of my history report. Then my dad took me to the library and I borrowed some books. While my bro was echking them out for me, I was looking out da front door and I saw Lily walk by. I didn't know it was her. My sis kalled her at 3 and sure enuff it was her. She sorta got pissed at me. She asked me why I didn't accept Tina's apology. I said I didn't know. they think that just because we're on speaking terms that everything is gonna turn out to be the same thing again. Lily thinks that if me and Tina work things out that we'll be besties again and everything will be ok again. After yesterday it's not happening. Maybe we can be friends again but besties are far from here. I kan't go back to my lifestyle. I'm not that person anymore. Before all of this happened, I cared about what people thought of me and I listened to others and did what they wanted instead of what I wanted. But after talking to Trammie bout life, I realized that what I was doing was for other people. Now I realized that it's my life and I shouldn't screw it up so that OTHER people would be happy. It should be about me cuz it's MY life. I should be the one happy. Anyways, after my sister talked to them, I emailed Tina basically telling her that I changed and that I want my friends to be friends with me for the person that I am and if they don't like the person i am, then not be my friend cuz they cant change me to make me the perfect friend. nothing's perfect in reality. If they can't take me for me then they don't deserve to be my friend.
Rose talked nonsense @ 5:56

Wednesday, February 20th, 2002:
So wassup? After I blogged and plugged alla those nice peoples, Trammie came on and she told me about her day. She went out with Nica and bought 15 bucks worth of gel pens and Nica bought her supplies for da latin project. Today, my life has a new beginning. Ever since me and Nica and Trammie have been godsistaz, it's like a new change. I realized today that I'm a better person now. Before I was under a bad influence by a so called friend. But now I realized that I have one chance to live my life. It's MY life and no-one kan tell me how to control it. From now on, I'm gonna try really hard in school and try to make something out of my life. I want a future and I wanna make something of myself. Nica..Trammie Thanks for all the encouraging words. You guys are always there for me and I know that afta all the crap we've been thru, nothing can tear our friendship apart. I luv u both. U guys are da best!!
Rose talked nonsense @ 10:51

Told ya I'd be back! I need to plug people now! Guess wat?! I actually started my latin project. It's so retarded looking. I don't care either! I just wanna get it done. I'm lookin on da brite side tho, next term, NO MORE LATIN PROJECTS! Thank you god! I'm so sick of 'em. Anyways, alot of new people have had new layouts and I haven't had the chance to plug 'em so here goes. Keesje has a new layout. It's very kute. I don't know how to describe the theme so just go check it out! Nicole has a new cute layout. It features nintendo characters. I like it! Steph has a new starstorm layout. It's so pretty! Trinnah has a lovely layout that features Anton something. I forgot his name. It's long tho. Go check out her site too! Lastly, i hafta plug Nhi I luv this grl! She's jesh the best! Go check her page ok?! Well thats it for now. I needa go clean my room. Again..
Rose talked nonsense @ 4:47

Eys, dayam..I'm talking to tina right now. Lily was on earlier and she IMed me and we talked. Me and Lily are kool now. I asked her if she was coming to da hangout on Sunday and she said there was a chance she couldn't cuz Tina didnt wanna go and if Tina did then she couldnt. That sucks =[ I wanted Lily to come. Dayam..I needa get offline and work on my projects now. I'll blog again soon! Real soon!
Rose talked nonsense @ 11:07

Tuesday, February 19th, 2002:
Wassup?!! New layout! It's basically da same one as my SES layout. I don't like this layout whatsoever. It's onlie gonna be up for like 2 weeks? I was gonna do a different last minute but then I have a History report and Latin project to start. They're both due next week and I haven't started AT ALL. Well recaps..Saturday, Trammie came over. We actually did work! She's like 3/4 done with her science fair project. My mom started bitching at me wen she got home. I don't wanna talk bout it though. Sunday, my family went to lowell to Bac Hai's uncle's. I was there for like the whole day and it was soooo boring. These lil kids kept buggin me and my god they kept crying and I was just losing it. Yesterday was an overall good day. I woke up and watched TV with my brother. Then I checked my emails and then i got ready to go to my orthodontist appointment. I got my braces off yesterday. I'm like sooo happy! After that I went to go meet with my godsisterz up in Cambridge. Then we shopped and went downtown to eat. Trammie was sick. I hope you're feeling better now hunz! Then we went to tah Loews Theatres up at park st. to meet this guy and since he didn't show, we left. then today was basically another boring day. i woke up and watched TV. then I went online. My internet was back last night. My dad cancelled AOL then he got it again since he couldn't find a better server. I was like 'U CANCELLED MY AOL FOR 2 WEEKS JESH SO U KAN FIND A BETTER SERVER AND THEN U COULDNT?!' Now he wants me and my sis to help him pay. He's like each of us take a month. I was like then u better give me my weekly money. He asked what for and i said so I actually HAVE money to give u. Then bac hai was like Get a job and then we started playing cards. Anyways, when my dad got home today, He drove me to South bay center and I got my foam board. So I'm start my project 2moro. My sister's helping so it should be done real quick. Well that's it for now. Laters! PS. i some pictures or some links don't work right now, it's cuz my I'm still moving things around and organizing my site so it may not work but check bak cuz I'm almost done!
Rose talked nonsense @ 8:26
As Time Passes

Time : 9:33 PM
Date : 02/28/02
Thinking About : 2moro
Watching : Charmed
Listening To : TV
Talking To : Tram, Thomas, Connie, Linda and Johnny
Eating : Nothing
Drinking : water
Wearing : PJs
Hair : ponytail
Plugging : KTD

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About AH

Hiya! AH [aZn HeartBreakerz] started on April 20th, 2000. Originally there were two other gurls working on the site with me. Tina and Lily both decided not to work on the page with me anymore because of some personal reasons. So before it was a group site with alot of stuff. Now it's mainly for my blog and some other stuff. This is my 6th version. It's kalled 'I Think I'm In Luv' This layout features Jessica Simpson [congrats to her and Nick Lachey!!] This layout will be up for about 2 weeks. I made this layout and kalled it ITIIL becuz Valentine's day just ended and I wanted to put a V-day layout up but I couldn't. If you have anymore questions email me. *muAhz*

© All rights reserved

February 24th - My day out
February 25th - My Birthday
February 26th - History Report due
February 27th - Latin Project due
March 1st - 3rd term ends
March 15th - Lina's Birthday/Godsistaz' Day
Contact Me