Visit of the Hon. Carl Schurz to Boston
Tuesday, the 22d of March, was selected as the day for the dinner, which was given at the Hotel Vendome. Mr. Schurz arrived in Boston on Monday, the 21st, and dined with the Committee that evening at the Hotel. An informal reception to Mr. Schurz was held at five o'clock on Tuesday, the 22d, and at six the company sat down to dine. Grace was said by the Rev. James Freeman Clarke. At half-past eight, the Hon. Charles R. Codman, who presided, called the company to order, and delivered the opening address. He was followed by Mr. Schurz and by other gentlemen. The addresses of the president and of the guest of the evening, as well as those which followed, were received with the heartiest satisfaction throughout, and were continually interrupted by enthusiastic applause.