Hon. Carl Schurz:

Dear Sir, — The undersigned citizens of Massachusetts respectfully invite you to a dinner in Boston, on such a day after the 4th of March next as you may select, that we may then have the gratification of expressing in person our respect and regard for you as a statesman and citizen, and of thanking you for the eminent ability, the marked fidelity, and the approved success with which you have performed all your duties as Secretary of the Interior.

Boston, Feb. 12, 1881.




  Adams, Chas. Francis
*Adams, Charles F., Jr.
  Adams, John Quincy
*Aldrich, Thos. Bailey
*Alexander, James
  Ames, Frederick L.
*Ames, Oakes A.
*Ames, Oliver
*Amory, Harcourt
  Amory, James S.
  Amory, William
*Andrew, John Forrester
  Atkinson, Charles F.
*Atkinson, Edward
  Atkinson, George
  Atkinson, William P.
*Babcock, Lemuel H.
*Barbour, Edward D.
  Barnard, Edmund J.
*Barrett, Edwin S.
  Batcheller, Alfred H.
*Bird, Frank W.
  Blake, Arthur W.
*Blake, George Baty
  Blanchard, John A.
  Bond, F. W.
*Bond, George William
*Boos, Gabriel
*Bowditch, Henry P.
*Bowles, Samuel
  Bowles, S. W.
  Brigham, Lincoln F.
*Brimmer, Martin
  Brooks, Henry C.
  Browne, Causten
*Browne, Alexander P.
*Bugbee, James M.
*Burr, Isaac T.
  Cabot, J. Elliot
*Candler, William L.
  Case, H. N.
  Chandler, Theoph. P.
  Chandler, Peleg W.
*Chandler, Alfred D.
  Chase, George B.
*Choate, Charles F.
*Clapp, William W.
*Clarke, Jas. Freeman
  Clement, J. H.
  Clifford, Charles W.
*Coale, George G.
*Cobb, Samuel C.
*Cochrane, Alexander
*Codman, Charles R.
*Coffin, Geo. Winthrop
*Coolidge, Albert L.
*Coolidge, Horace H.
  Coolidge, T. Jefferson
*Copeland, Charles W.
*Crocker, George G.
*Crocker, Uriel H.
*Cummings, John
*Cunningham, Fred'k
*Curtis, George S.
*Curtis, Laurence
*Dalton, Henry R.
  Dana, Richard H., Jr.
*Dana, Thomas
*Danforth, Isaac W.
  Danforth, James H.
  Daniell, Josiah E.
*Davis, J. Alba
*Davis, James C.
*Deane, Charles
*De Gersdorff, E. B.
*Denny, George P.
*De Wolf, J. Halsey
    (Providence, R. I.)
*Dexter, Frederick
*Dodge, John C.
*Dole, Charles F.
*Dove, George W. W.
*Duff, John R.
  Dunbar, Charles F.
  Dunham, J. N.
*Dwight, John S.
*Eliot, Charles W.
*Ellis, George E.
*Emmons, Nathaniel H.
*Endicott, Henry
*Endicott, William, Jr.
*Ernst, George A. O.
*Erskine, John
  Eustis, William Tracy
  Everett, Charles C.
*Everett, William
*Farnsworth, Ezra
*Fay, Clement K.
*Fisk, James C.
*Fitz, Reginald H.
  Flagg, Augustus
*Forbes, John M.
  Forbes, William H.
*Foster, Charles O.
*Foster, Francis A.
*Fox, Jabez
*French, Abram
*French, Lyman P.
*French, William A.
*Friedman, S.
*Gallagher, Charles T.
  Gems, Robert
  Gladden, Washington
*Goddard, George A.
*Godkin, E. L. (New York)
*Gookin, Charles B.
*Gorham, James L.
*Greenough, Malcolm S.
*Greenough, Wm. W.
*Grew, Henry S.
*Grover, William O.
  Guild, Josiah F.
  Haile, W. H.
*Hale, George S.
*Harding, Herbert L.
*Hardy, Alpheus H.
  Hardy, Edward T.
  Harris, F. H.
*Haskell, Edwin B.
*Hayden, Edward D.
*Hensbaw, Edward
*Higginson, T. Wentworth
  Higginson, Waldo
*Hill, Clement Hugh
*Hill, Hamilton A.
*Hill, J. E. R.
*Hobart, Arthur
*Holmes, Oliver Wendell
  Hooper, Edward W.
*Hooper, Robert W.
  Horton, Charles P.
*Howe, Archibald M.
  Howells, William D.
*Howes, Osborne, Jr.
  Huntress, George L.
  Ives, Stephen B., Jr.
*Jackson, Charles C.
*James, Charles L.
*James, George Abbot
*Jewell, Harvey
*Johnson, Samuel
*Joy, Glidden W.
*Keith, James M.
*Kendall, Joseph S.
  Kidder, Henry P.
*King, George P.
  Kinsley, Edward W.
*Langdell, Charles G.
  Langerfeldt, C. W. R.
*Langerfeldt, T. O.
*Lathrop, John
  Lee, Henry S.
*Lewis, Weston
*Lincoln, Arthur
  Lincoln, Joseph B.
*Lincoln, Solomon, Jr.
  Little, James L
  Livermore, Thomas L.
    (New Hampshire)
*Lodge, Henry Cabot
  Longfellow, Henry W.
*Loring, John A.
*Loring, William Caleb
*Lovering, William C.
*Luce, Matthew
*Lyman, John P.
*Lyman, Theodore
*Lyon, Henry
*Mack, Thomas
*Marston, Stephen W.
  Mason, W. Powell
  Merriam, George S.
  Milton, Richard S.
  Minot, William, Jr.
*Morse, Leopold
*Morse, Nathan
*Morse, Robert M.
*Morse, Robert M., Jr.
*Morse, Samuel T.
*Moseley, Alexander
  Mudge, E. R.
*Munroe, William A.
*Myers, James J.
*Niles, Stephen R.
*Norcross, Grenville H.
  Norcross, Otis
*Norcross, Otis, Jr.
*Norton, Charles Eliot
  Ordway, John A.
*Osgood, James R.
*Page, Kilby
  Paine, Charles J.
  Parker, Francis E.
  Parker, Henry G.
  Parkinson, John
  Parkman, Francis
*Parkman, Henry
*Peabody, Francis H.
  Peabody, Robert S.
  Perkins, Edward N.
*Perkins, William
  Philbrick, Edward S.
*Phillips, Henry M.
*Pierce, Edward L.
*Pierce, Henry I.
*Pierce, Jacob W.
*Pomeroy, Ralph M.
*Potter, Asa P.
  Powers, L. J.
*Prang, Louis
  Pratt, John C.
*Proctor, Thomas P.
  Prouty, Dwight
*Pullman, George M.
    (Chicago, Ill.)
*Pulsifer, R. M.
*Putnam, George
  Putnam, John P.
  Quincy, Edmund.
*Quincy, Josiah, Jr.
  Quincy, Samuel M.
*Reed, Henry R.
*Richards, George H.
*Richardson, Moses W.
*Richardson, Thos. O.
*Richardson, Wm. L.
*Roberts, James A.
  Robins, Edward B.
*Rodman, Samuel W.
*Rogers, Henry M.
  Rogers, John K.
  Rogers, William B.
*Ropes, John C.
*Ross, M. Denman
*Rueter, Henry H.
  Russell, Edward B.
  Russell, Henry S.
*Russell, William G.
*Samuel, N.
*Sanford, John E.
*Schlesinger, Barthold
*Schlesinger, S. B.
*Sears, J. Henry
*Sears, J. Montgomery
*Shaw, Lemuel
*Shepard, Harvey N.
*Shuman, A.
*Simes, William
  Sleeper, J. Henry
*Smith, Edward M.
  Smith, W. L.
*Snelling, George H.
*Sowdon, A. J. C.
*Spaulding, John P.
*Spaulding, Mahlon D.
*Sprague, Henry H.
*Stackpole, J. Lewis
*Stearns, Frank W.
*Stearns, Richard H.
  Stebbins, Solomon B.
*Stockton, Howard
  Storer, W. Brandt
  Storey, Moorfield
  Storrow, James J.
*Sturgis, James
  Sturgis, John H.
  Sullivan, Richard
*Talbot, I. Tisdale
  Talbot, Thomas
*Tappan, Lewis W.
*Teele, John O.
  Terhune, Edward P.
*Thayer, Frank N.
*Thayer, James B.
*Thompson, Albert
*Thompson, Francis
*Thompson, Robert M.
  Thorndike, John L.
*Thorndike, S. Lothrop
*Thorp, Joseph G.
*Townsend, Edward B.
*Train, Charles R.
*Villard, Henry (N. Y.)
*Wadleigh, Bainbridge
    (New Hampshire)
*Walcott, Charles F.
*Walcott, Henry P.
*Walker, Nathaniel
*Ware, William R.
*Warner, Joseph B.
*Warren, H. Langford
*Warren, Samuel M.
  Webster, John G.
  Weeks, Allen S.
*Weil, Charles
*Weissbein, Louis
*Weld, A. Davis, Jr.
*Weld, Francis M.
    (New York)
*Weld, Otis E.
*Weld, William G.
*Wellington, Henry W.
*Wells, Samuel
*Weston, Henry C.
*Wesselhoeft, Conrad
*Wheeler, Alexander S.
*Wheeler, Henry N.
*White, Charles G.
*Whitman Henry
*Whitney, Henry M.
*Williams, George Fred.
  Williams, Moses, Jr.
*Williams, S. Augustus
*Williams, William B.
  Wilson, James H.
  Winsor, Alfred
*Winsor, Justin
*Wolcott, Roger
*Woods, Henry
*Young, Charles
* Attended the Dinner