Works of Carl Schurz

Harper's Weekly Editorials by Carl Schurz

In Chapter VI of A Sketch of Carl Schurz's Political Career, which appeared as a supplement to Volume III of Carl Schurz's Reminiscences, Frederic Bancroft and William A. Dunning state in the first and last paragraphs:

“Less than a week after leaving the Hamburg-American office [he left on July 1, 1892] Mr. Schurz was requested by Harper and Brothers to supply for their Weekly the leading editorial in place of George William Curtis, then fatally ill. Save for the accompanying sorrow on account of the affliction of this very dear friend, no task could have been more to the taste of Mr. Schurz, and it was continued from week to week. On the last day of August, 1892, Mr. Curtis died, and the Weekly of September 10 contained a warm, eloquent and fraternal tribute to his memory, doubtless written by Mr. Schurz. The arrangement under which the leading editorial was furnished every week was understood to be temporary and strictly secret. Both parties were so well satisfied, however, that the contributions continued for nearly six years, but, of course, Schurz's style and ideas were soon recognized. After January, 1897, his articles were signed, [Carl Schurz's first signed editorial appeared in Issue No. 2093, January 30, 1897] and thus exchanged the vague and mystic authority of the paper for the clear and definite authority of his own name and reputation.” — Reminiscences of Carl Schurz, Volume Three, New York: The McClure Company, 1908, p. 418.

“In April of 1898 one unremitting drain upon his energy was removed by the termination of his connection with Harper's Weekly. [Carl Schurz's last editorial, which is included in this collection, appeared in issue No. 2157, April 23, 1898.] The political convictions as well as the financial interests of the proprietors dictated a change in the policy of the paper to bring it more nearly in harmony with the popular sentiment that was clamoring for war and territorial expansion. No concession to such a sentiment could ever be expected of Mr. Schurz, and hence his weekly editorials ceased. The rupture of this relation was the first of many that were produced by the Spanish War.” — Reminiscences of Carl Schurz, Volume Three, New York: The McClure Company, 1908, p. 434.

All the editorials from Harper's Weekly that Frederic Bancroft included in Speeches, Correspondence and Political Papers of Carl Schurz (six volumes, G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1913) appear here (titles in boldface below). In addition, I have included a selection of the other editorials he wrote for that paper. Except for his “Woman Suffrage” editorial, which appeared as a pamphlet under his name, for the editorials I have selected, I have restricted myself to signed editorials since I do not know that all opinion pieces appearing in Harper's Weekly from July 1892 to April 1898 are indeed his, though probably many, and perhaps all, are. Except for “The Pension Scandal”, Frederic Bancroft seems to have done likewise for the editorials he selected for Speeches, Correspondence and Political Papers of Carl Schurz. For copies of the unlinked editorials below, see Freewebtown.

The Pension Scandal May 5, 1894
Woman Suffrage June 16, 1894
The Arbitration Treaty in Danger January 30, 1897
The Campaign Against Civil Service Reform February 6, 1897
Qualifications for High Office February 13, 1897
Delusions of Bimetallism February 20, 1897
Governor Black's Balance-Sheet February 27, 1897
The Quadrennial Disgrace March 6, 1897
The Citizens' Union March 13, 1897
The President on Economy March 20, 1897
Republicanism and the Civil Service March 27, 1897
A Grave Responsibility April 3, 1897
Wanted — A Republican Form of Government April 10, 1897
The Forestry Problem April 17, 1897
An Urgent Need April 24, 1897
Labor and Prosperity May 8, 1897
A Dismal Page in Our History May 22, 1897
The Municipal Situation June 5, 1897
Food for Reflection June 12, 1897
Armed or Unarmed Peace June 19, 1897
The Right to Nominate July 3, 1897
The "Senatorial Prerogative" July 24, 1897
Partisan Municipal Government July 31, 1897
Obstacles to Currency Reform August 7, 1897
Murder as a Political Agency August 28, 1897
The European Outlook September 11, 1897
True Non-Partisanship October 2, 1897
Mr. Henry George in the Municipal Campaign October 23, 1897
Bossism in New York November 13, 1897
Hawaii and Sea-Power November 27, 1897
Civil Service Reform and the People January 1, 1898
Restricting Immigration January 8, 1898
Hawaii and the Partition of China January 22, 1898
“Cold Facts” and Hawaii February 12, 1898
Annexing Hawaii by Joint Resolution February 26, 1898
About War March 5, 1898
France After the Zola Trial March 12, 1898
National Honor March 19, 1898
About Patriotism April 16, 1898
A Case of Self-Sacrifice April 23, 1898

Works of Carl Schurz