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J.P: While watching the
Michael Jackson special on TV, my
grandson stated "I didn't know Michael
Jackson was black." Go figure!!!
poor kid is confused.

Katelyn: I don't want any cuddin.
Did you figure that one out...well now
Katelyn makes up her own recipes
when you mix cool whip with puddin
it is called cuddin so you don't
put coolwhip on puddin, he!he!

Jason: Now this little fella
is very interesting. He has a tail...go figure!!!

Michael: The two younger boys were fighting one day
so I put them in time out. Jason threw
himself on the floor and played possum.
spontaneously! Michael ran over to him
to see if he was breathing. He dialed 911
on his hand and went back and started doing
cpr on Jason. I just wish I had a camcorder
at the time. That was a perfect little
demonstration for two three year olds.
Michael's favorite show is ER.

Steffani:Now Steffani was
watching her dad, busy as a bee and asked
what are you doing? Well dad just told her
don't worry about it. Steffani then speaks
up and said if you tell me then I wouldn't
have to worry about luv em.

Katelyn: Granny I have been sick...I
got the Bless You's..She was three
at the time. Sneezing can be a problem.

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