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The Legend of Zelda: Spirits of Darkness

- Chapter 2 -
Return to the Forest

Link stood just outside of Kokiri village on the bridge where he had left so many years ago. He hadn’t returned to the forest since that day he had been sent back from the world of Termina. He slowly approached the entrance that had been made by a carved out tree stump. His boots clicked against the wooden bridge until he entered the forest, the town he had grown up in. The townspeople seemed relatively quiet, until one took note of Link.

“Hello, you look familiar, have we ever met before?” One of the forest girls asked Link. He recognized her for sure but did not know what to say. “Where are you from?” she continued asking questions. He understood how she could be alarmed to due to that fact that generally the village was composed of all Kokiri folk. Link had long since grown taller than the Kokiri, making him stand out from the rest of the village.

“It may be hard for you to understand, but I grew up here, in this very village, with you,” Link began to say. “I’m not a Kokiri, but my parents hid me in the forest so that evil could not find me, and that I would be protected by the Great Deku Tree. When the time came, the Great Deku Tree realized that I was growing too old to live in the forest without being unnoticed. I knew that I had to leave, so I did what I had to do.

The forest girl looked puzzled, and even though she did not understand, she comforted him all the same. After all when Link had rid Hyrule of the evil Ganon, no one involved remembered much from the time Link had transported to the future. Even Link had troubles remembering when he became the Hero of Time. The time that he had spent in the future had been erased and only left in the remembrance of a small number of Hylians.

After a while, Link explained that he needed to talk to the Great Deku Tree, so she escorted him there. He sat in front of the Great Deku Tree and began to discuss his worries.

“Link, I haven’t seen thou in quite some time,” The Deku Tree began.

“I’ve had some troubles lately, “Link said, he paused for a moment, “ and I have a question to ask of you.”

The Great Deku Tree sighed. He knew that Link had many questions to ask him that he wasn’t sure that he could answer yet.

“Today, I was attacked in the field, by a strange type of spirit,” Link began. “It is no normal poe. When I went to destroy it, my sword went right through it, as if it weren’t actually there. Do you know of any such thing?” The Great Deku Tree paused and thought for a moment.

“The metaphysical spirits,” The Deku Tree began to explain, “The have removed their souls from their body allowing themselves to travel limitlessly. They are powerful in the mind, which is what allows them to separate from their body. They are able to see, touch, move, hear, and do most everything a normal being can do. Except they are untouchable by physical nature.”

Link looked confused. So the Deku Tree continued to explain.

“Long ago, not too long after the world was created by the three goddesses(Din, Faeore, and Nayru), the metaphysical entered Hyrule. There were three of them, thought to be the opposite of the three goddesses. They were filled will malice and hatred and some thought they had set out to destroy the land their opposites had created. They became so dangerous and destructive to the land, that the goddesses sealed them away in the evil realm. The goddesses sealed in well with a powerful stone called the Sealing Jade, to prevent them from escaping their bodies and traveling as spirits. Somehow though it appears that the gem has been taken away allowing them to return.”

“Thank you Great Deku Tree,” Link said now that he had this newfound knowledge. He said goodbye and left the forest town, never once seeing his long lost friend...

Chapters: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4
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