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Majora's Mask Items

New Items

Powder Keg: An explosive barrel that can only be used by Goron Link. It is much more powerful than regular bombs.

Camera: A camera that Link carries around. it is necessary for a certain part of the game.

Chataeu Romani: A new item that gives you unlimited magic for a good span of time. (not short and cheap like Nayru's Love)

Zoran Eggs: You have to collect all these eggs to learn a song.

Magical Mushrooms: Found in forests or foggy areas. You need to have a certain mask to be able to locate the magic mushrooms.

Returning Items:

Deku Stick: Yep, there back. I mostly use them to light torches but they can also be used as a weak sword.

Deku Nuts: Once thrown they flash brightly shocking enemies.

Bomb: Of course the signature bomb that has been in all zelda games.

Bombchu's: Originally from Ocarina of Time these running bombs are back.

Empty Bottle: Holds a lot of necessary items as well as the usual faries, bugs, and milk.

Magic Bottle: Refills some your magic energy.

The Lens of Truth: Once again we must use the Lens of truth to see what is real and what is not.

Faries: They fully regenerate your health and are very useful. Usually found near owl statues.

Magic Beans: From Ocarina of Time, the magic beans are used to create a small platform to help link get to those hard to reach areas.

Milk: Regenerates 5 of your life hearts. However I prefer fairies.

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The Cavern - 2000 - 2001