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Zelda Glitches

In Zelda there are a few noticable glitches and a lot of cool tricks. Here are some you may already know or are new to you. If you have any glitches or tips you can e-mail me at the bottom of the page.

-When you cut up any sign in Hyrule, you can repair it back together by playing Zelda's Lullaby.

-Go back to Link's Hut in Kokiri forest after doing various things in the game and there will be a plaque there with records like largest fish caught, fastest horse race time, best archery score, etc.

-If you catch a butterfly on a deku stick it will turn into a fairy. It is very hard though (even I can't do it, I don't have the patience!)

-If you kill a chicken, a flock of them will charge after you and attack you viciously. They are very hard to escape from and they are invincible. The only way to escape them is to exit they area (as in, go to Hyrule field from Kakariko village and they can't follow you.

-By playing Epona's song to a cow with an empty bottle, you can get milk!

-If you put a bomb near a gossip stone it will blast into space. If you smash it with the megaton hammer it will go flat. You can talk to it with the Mask of Truth. If you play Zelda's Lullaby near one it will give you a fairy.

-If you look in one of the windows in Zelda's Courtyard, it shows the Mario characters.

-There is a secret fish in the fishing pond as adult Link that looks like an eel called the Hyrule Loach. Cast in the reeds and lillypads when it is early morning. You can look for it by using your Iron Boots and going under water, then pushing top c to look around. It can be very large (upwards of 30 pounds) but you only get rupees for it and it is thrown back in.

-If you look at the grave on the right to where you get the sons song, there is a grave that says Sharp the Elder, he will come out and fight to but you don't get anything for it.

-In the fishing pond when you come back as Adult Link he says something about his hair but stops. If is possible to steal his hat off with your fishing rod. For more fun (you will pay though) you can throw it into the water so he never gets it back. he will yell at you and make you pay a fifty-rupee fine (I did this just a few days ago).

-If you search around the rocks near the waterfall in the fishing pond you can get the siking lure, which is illegal but makes it eaisier to catch fish.

-If you pull out the graves in the graveyard with hyrule flowers near them, they have underground passages. One is a fairy fountain.

-If you get the goron mask you can fool the gorons into thinking your one of them, it doesn't work with the Gerudos though.

-When you kill Ganondorf the first time, he will cough up something in the video. This changes color in every game pack (mine is green)

Got a good glitch? E-mail me:

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