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Majora's Mask Upgrades

Big Quiver(holds 40 arrows): To obtain this you must beat the archery range in Clocktown. It is located in East Clocktown near the exit to South Clocktown.

Biggest Quiver: Another archery range, this time located near the entrance to the swamp. If you come from the South Clocktown exit to the field, go forward to a place where there are three routes. One goes back to Termina Field, One goes the Swamp, and the last one goes to the archery range.

Big Bomb Bag: This can be purchased at the Bomb Shop if you save the owner's mother at midnight on the first day in North Clocktown. Otherwise, he will be out of stock.

Biggest Bomb Bag: Can be obtained 2 ways. One is to trade in your big bomb bag and 100 rupees to a Deku Salesman near the Goron Shrine. The other way is to buy it from the curiosity shop on the last day after 10pm. However, you have to make sure that you haven't saved the bomb shop owner's mother when you do this.

Guilded Sword: First, you have to have the man at the Mountain Forge forge your Kokiri Sword. Then it will become the Razor sword. Before it runs out, win the Goron race and obtain Gold Dust. Give it to him and he will reforge your razor sword to the guilded sword.

Great Fairies sword: Not really an upgrade, but worth mentioning. If you save all the faries from the last temple you get this.

Mirror Shield: You must complete the gibdo's trading sequence in the well and you will get the Mirror shield at the end.

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The Cavern - 2000 - 2001