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Zelda GameCube's New Look

It’s been a while since Nintendo has announced its change of graphics for Zelda GameCube. After all this time (over a month) I still have not written an editorial on it. Many are discouraged and outraged by Nintendo’s decision to give Zelda a cartoon-style look. To tell you the truth, if I had written an editorial in the days following Spaceworld 2001 (where the news was announced), I would have trashed it too. However, I have come to my senses now, and was mostly startled by the sudden change in appearance. I think it has potential, but not in the same capacity of the realistic Zelda, as shown at Spaceworld 2000.

Many people will be discouraged to purchase Zelda Cube after the graphical change, especially if they are accustom to the Nintendo 64 Zelda games. For those who have played A Link to the Past on Super Nintendo, you can tell that Zelda Cube looks similar to LttP. The cell-shaded textures create the same feeling as the graphics in LttP. I think that Nintendo is trying to bring back the old feel to the Zelda Series, which was changed when Ocarina of Time came out. Personally, the thing that bothers me the most isn’t the fact that it is cell-shaded or cartoon-like; it’s the fact that Link and his enemies look very unrealistic. Link is not very well detailed which bothers me a little. His face is flat and he doesn’t look very realistic. I think that Nintendo could have at least tried to make it look a bit more realistic even if they changed it into a cartoon. However, if we decide to look past the visual aspect for a moment (which is VERY hard to do for a videogame), we will hopefully find that Zelda Cube is an enjoyable game. I am slightly worried that if the game is changed into a cartoon style visual, that the plotline and difficulty may slide down a notch. However, I hope this will not happen, and that the game will be challenging, and will display a good storyline. We don’t have much information on the gameplay as of now, however, it should be of excellent quality. We’ll just have to look for more information and hope for the best.

Overall we should wait until more information comes about the game before we judge it too much. I think that the new look will repel many gamers from playing the title, and not as many sales will be made as the previous two games. However, I will indefinitely be there to buy it, no matter what, since I am a big fan of the series. So far, the series has been great and will most likely continue to be. If Zelda Cube holds true to the series name, it should be a challenging and enjoyable experience.

-The Hylian Cavern Webmaster

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