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Possible Zelda GameCube Controls

As we all know Zelda for GameCube has been through some drastic changes. The graphics are now cell-shaded, which gives them a cartoon-type look. While this may take away the initial appeal to the eyes, it helps with other progressions in the game. One aspect that is greatly improved is Link's actions. From what was shown at Nintendo's Spaceworld 2001 Demo, Link has a new battle abilities, including dodges, jump slices and other types of attacks. These are all put into place when determining the final controls for Link.

Here's how I think it will turn out:

Joystick - Move Link
A-button(blue) - Item Usage
B-button(green) - Swing Sword, could also be used for dodge tactics when pressed at the right time.
C-Joystick - Possible usage with sword, rumors say could direct the sword's path or could be used for special moves.
Z-button - Same as the n64 Zelda's, new Z-targeting system
X button - Item Usage
Y button - Item Usage

The basic set up.

Is that the B button in red? Could be for dodges.

Keep in mind this is just one of many possible method for Zelda GameCube's control scheme. The GameCube controller is rumored to be an excellent piece of equipment, and we can all be assured that Nintendo's best will make the controls comfortable and easy for all. We can all hope that this new technology will be utilized to create a satisfying and unique gaming experience. I have high hopes for the next installment of the Zelda Series.

-The Hylian Cavern Webmaster

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